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丁太太来了。Mrs Dean came.

我代表理查德·迪安……On behalf of Richard Dean...

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很高兴见到你,Raffer主任。Nice to meet you, Dean Rafer.

我们系主任还不到40岁。Our dean hasn’t turned 40 yet.

我主要经营中国工艺品。I mainly dean in Chinese crafts.

他们路遇系主任的时候脱帽示敬。They cap when they pass the dean.

狄恩打算用功以得奖学金。Dean aim to study on a scholarship.

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迪恩在哪,他总是不在。Where was Dean? He's always missing.

他就来自于卢卡市。Your dean is from the city of Lucca.

迪安縠奇逊在他的坟墓中打滚。Dean Acheson is rolling in his grave.

詹姆斯狄恩是我最喜欢的电影明星。James Dean is my favorite movie star.

系主任示意要我走近些。The dean beckoned to me to come nearer.

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迪恩饱受妄想性焦虑症的折磨。Dean is suffering from paranoid anxiety.

哈罗!狄恩先生,您又。Hello, Mr. dean. Visiting again, are you?

我是迪恩·卡德尔,我从不道歉。I'm Dean Cardell and I make no apologies.

我是迪恩·卡德尔,我从不道歉。I’m Dean Cardell and I make no apologies.

请和我一起,安妮-玛丽·斯劳特院长。Please join me Dean Anne-Marie Slaughter.

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她是通过系主任向我转达这个消息的。She'd sent this message through the dean.

您曾经是研究生院院长。You were the dean of the graduate school.

他对我提出的要求表示气愤。The dean bridled with anger at my request.