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我们的住处靠近泰晤士河入海口。We live near the Thames estuary.

塔纳湖上,青尼罗河的入口。The estuary of blue Nile on lake Tana.

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河面突然变宽,形成了一个宽阔的河湾。The river opens up suddenly into a broad estuary.

钱塘江河口存在广阔的潮滩地。There exist wide tidal fiats in Qiantang Estuary.

黄河口沉积物主要成分是粉土。The basis of Yellow River estuary sediment is silt.

利默尼里克爱尔兰西南部一地区,位于香农河河口。A borough of southwest Ireland on the Shannon River estuary.

修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和享伯河河口连接起来。The canal was built to connect Shefield with the Humber estuary.

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三岔河口一带的直沽寨是天津最早的城市胚胎。Zhiguzhai of Sancha River estuary is the earliest embryo of city.

目前,泥河口文明新村的形态初显。At present, mud estuary forms of previews the saemaul civilization.

不一会儿,我们离开了河口湾,向公海前进。Soon we had left the river estuary and were heading towards the open sea.

三都澳港阔水深,具有得天独厚的优良自然条件。Sanduao Habour is richly endowed by nature with broad estuary and deep water.

中国北部河北省,白鹭在新开河河口寻找食物。Egrets look for food in the Xinkai River estuary in north China's Hebei province.

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它旁边的化石则说明它生活在一个河流三角区域或靠近河口的一个森林中。Nearby fossils suggest it dwelled in forests in a river delta or near an estuary.

切变锋是河口湾锋系中最为常见和最易观察到的锋面类型。Shear fronts are the most easily and frequently observed class of estuary fronts.

舍姆森下潜以避开船头冲击河口水流造成的旋涡。Shemsen dived to avoid the eddies as the rudder beat against the estuary current.

泽兰是这个国家在宽阔的韦斯特谢尔德河口以南的唯一一块领土。Zeeland is the only part of that country south of the gaping Westerschelde estuary.

研究成果可为瓯江河口的综合开发提供科学依据。It provides scientific basis for comprehensive development of Oujiang River estuary.

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大多数河口特别是钱塘江河口,往往存在宽广的潮滩地。There are always wide tidal flats in most estuaries, especially in Qiantang Estuary.

根据实测资料分析了长江口的盐水入侵问题。According to measured data, the salinity intrusion in the Yangtze Estuary is analysised.

河口附近岸滩的演变趋势是逐渐平直。The evolution trend of beach near Sheyang River estuary is going to be linear gradually.