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聚沙成塔,积少成多。Every little advices a mickle.

感谢,这些建议对我很有帮助!TKS a lot , these advices give me great help!

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“两个务必”是西柏坡精神的核心。"Two Advices" is the essence of Xibaipo Spirit.

好言常常不入耳。The kind advices are often unpleasant to the ear.

她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。She likes those yes men and never accept others' advices.

论文最后提出了对CIST下一步工作的展望。At last, this paper provides advices of future works in CIST.

她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。She likes the submissive person,and doesn't hear any advices.

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此外,你还可以从"前辈"那里得到各种实用的建议。You can talk to gappers who have been away for various advices.

从善如流,相信社会秩序会越来越好的。Accept good advices and believe the social order will be better.

第四章相邻权的立法建议。Chapter 4 is about the legislative advices about neighboring right.

她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。She likes yesmen and never takes the advices from all other people.

两篇文章大概在两个大学你学到了什么时间层次上给的建议,一长一短。They seemingly gave advices at two levels, long-term and short-term.

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你的忠告久久地回响在我的耳边。Your good advices were still ringing in my ear long after you said them.

我在这个领域还是新手上路,请多多指教。I am still a babe in the world in this field. Please give me some advices.

这是一种高雅的智慧游戏,臣子们有时利用陪弈的良机,向帝王纳言进谏。Courtiers often took occasion of playing chess to offer advices to emperor.

驻沪记者发来的最新消息说没有一人死亡。The latest advices from our Shanghai correspondent say that no one is dead.

同时对国内红外搜索跟踪系统的发展提出了建议。Some advices on the future developments of domestic IRST system are presented.

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最后对我国大型先进压水堆研发专项提出几点建议。Finally, some advices are given to the R&D of Chinese large-scale advanced PWR.

为了比较全面的认识个人主义,本文对如何个人主义进行了初步的思考和研究。So, this paper will give advices on how to carry forward or abnegate individualism.

在此基础上,提出了未来皖江城市带城镇体系发展的相应对策。Some advices on how to optimize the urban system of Wanjiang Area were put forward.