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点的轨迹E是一个椭球。The locus E of points is an ellipsoid.

本文讨论椭球的内反射性质。The internal reflection property of ellipsoid is discussed.

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就椭球头模型进行脑电正问题和逆问题进行推演。To the ellipsoid model solve the forward problem and inverse problem.

这个椭球面的中心和方位就构成了我们所说的大地基准面。The center and orientation of the ellipsoid is what we call the datum.

提出了基于地球椭球参考平面的交叉定位模型。A method of cross-locating based on ellipsoid model of globe is proposed.

第三个定义对象的大小,即椭球半径。The third defines how big the object is, it is the radius of an ellipsoid.

椭圆体模型是空间引用系统定义的第一部分。The ellipsoid model is the first part of a spatial reference system definition.

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在数据中使用不匹配的椭圆体模型一般是主要问题。Using mismatched ellipsoid models in your data is not generally a major problem.

实验壳体采用单曲率椭球内接多面壳体。A single curvature shell of an inscribed ellipsoid was used as the experimental shell.

将其设置为1将限制产生地点为椭球最外层。Setting it to 1 will restrict spawn locations to the outer-most range of the ellipsoid.

所以我们用这个参数把场景结点从椭球中央上移50个单位。So we place the scene node 50 units over the center of the ellipsoid with this parameter.

点源球面结构冲击波是旋转椭球面冲击波的特殊情况。The point blast induced spherical wave is the especial instance of the ellipsoid shock wave.

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另外,还建议了惯量张量椭球的实验测定法。Besides, it suggests the method of experimental determination of ellipsoid of inertia tensor.

检验结果表明,只有类椭球体放矿理论能全部通过连续流动检验。The result shows that only the similar ellipsoid drawing theory can pass all the verification.

文中引进了步行机的动力学操作椭球和动力学操作性的性能指标。The dynamic manipulability ellipsoid is established and the Dynamic Manipulability Index is introduced.

本文还提出了从三幅及三幅以上透视图中的椭球轮廓线重建椭球的方法。A method to reconstruct ellipsoid from its occluding contours observed in three images is also presented.

通常以椭球面作为计算基准面,而测量得到的直线距离不能直接用于椭球面计算。An ellipsoid is usually chosen for data processing since observed space distance could not be used directly.

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通过分层和旋转椭圆体金属外观结构,设计体现出一个非常动态的特性。By layering and rotating the ellipsoid metal façade structure, the design receives a very dynamic character.

以旋转椭球体面上某点为原点建立一个大地坐标单位活动坐标架。In this paper, unit moving trihedron is first constructed for a point on the surface of a revolution ellipsoid.

考虑到吸引域的确切值较难获得,于是采用椭圆不变集来估计系统的吸引域。As the exact domain of attraction is hard to be achieved, it is always estimated by means of invariant ellipsoid.