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我喜欢可以拣到的钱。I can pick up.

那是一把镐吗?Is that a pick?

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但是选好一个课题。But pick a topic.

我会把东西拾起来。I pick up things.

不要摘花。Don't pick flowers.

首先,挑一个任务。First, pick a task.

凯丽,摸取一个标志。Kally, pick a sign.

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为什么单挑华为的刺呢?Why pick on Huawei?

我摘到月亮。I pick the moon off.

他们拾起垃圾。They pick up litter.

不要挖鼻孔!Don't pick your nose!

凯丽,摸取一个标志。好的。Kally, pick a sign. OK.

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他们为你挑衣服。They pick your clothes.

选择启发式分支。Pick a branch heuristic.

挑双好鞋才能天天穿!Pick the shoe that fits!

请把那本书拾起来。Please pick up the book.

但是我们将摘桃子。But we will pick peaches.

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我都不敢采了呀。I don't dare to pick now.

桃子熟了好摘。Ripe peaches pick easily.

你需要选择你的曲调。You get to pick the tune.