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内场以外的地区为外场,外场为草皮场地。Outside the infield is outfield with grass.

棒球场分为内场和外场。The field is divided into an infield and an outfield.

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劳尔也是西班牙历史上出场次数最多的非门将队员。Raul is also the most capped outfield player in Spanish history.

我不这麽认为。看来外野手会接到球。I don't think so. It looks like the outfield players will catch it.

你总有办法提及你和扬基队外场一半队员发生过关系。And you found a way to mention you slept with half the Yankee outfield.

内场手截球并从外场将球投回本垒板。The interception by an infielder of a throw to home plate from the outfield.

不管是门将、球员还是教练,都众口一辞炮轰“普天同庆”。Goalkeepers, outfield players and coaches all lined up to lambast the Jabulani.

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他们也真的会将外野的篱笆移近移远,以便偏袒自己喜欢的球员。They also actually moved the outfield fences in and out to favor their own guys.

不久田村遭到为多重债务逼得喘不过气的小酒吧店主水野的拜托。TianCun were soon for multiple debt forced suffocative bar owner water outfield please.

我把注意力放在我的阵容中,我感觉我们有22,23名能上场完成我们所需要的任务的球员。I focus on my squad and I feel we have 22, 23 outfield players who can cope with what we need.

打击阵容为我拿下了很多得分,我有很棒的内野及外野守备。The hitters got a lot of runs for me, " Wang said. "I had a good infield and a good outfield. "

天线增益外场测试的关键是提高增益测试精度。How to the teat precision of antenna gain is the key point for antenna gain test in the outfield.

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通过乳液聚合的方法,在丁苯乳液粒子的外层接上丙烯酸酯单体。Acrylate monomers were grafted at the outfield of butadiene-styrene polymer by polymerizing in emulsion.

天线增益外场测试的关键是提高增益测试精度。How to improve the test precision of antenna gain is the key point for antenna gain test in the outfield.

清政府十分重视八旗蒙古武举外场弓箭考试内容的分类、考试方法、管理措施等。Qing government focused on the classification of its outfield exam, exam methods and management measures, etc.

洋基才刚从海盗队中取得纳迪去防守外野,不禁让人怀疑他到底要取代谁。Considering that the Yankees just acquired Xavier Nady to play outfield one has got to wonder who he is going to replace.

嗯,那你已经踢过中场了,那你觉得哪个中前场球员能够代替你的位置呢?So, you've had a go in midfield, which outfield player do you think could take your place between the sticks if necessary?

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这次严重的受伤,伴着小贝的高龄,意味着这位代表英格兰出场最多的球员将没有再出场的可能。The seriousness of the injury, combined with Beckham’s age, means England’s most capped outfield player may never play again.

在主外场设有多达16种娱乐项目,可满足不同年龄层不同爱好的游客的需要。There are 16 entertainments in the main venue and outfield to meet the requirements of visitors of different ages and tastes.

例如,梦见在户外打球的被试人员实际上是否真会朝着梦中来球的方向看去?For example, would a subject who dreamt of playing in the outfield actually look in the direction of an imaginary incoming baseball?