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戴尔宣称他能校政苏的汽车轮胎。Dale claimed that he could realign Sue's car wheels.

然后用新数值重新调整打印头,单击“应用”。Then realign the print head using the new values by clicking Apply.

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但这需要花费数年来对职业培训路线进行相应的重新调整。But it can take years to realign career development paths accordingly.

我们希望供应商能根据这些变化重新调整他们的产品!We wish our suppliers would realign their products with these changes!

摄影指引我们去重新思考,重新排列我们的认知框架。Photographs lead us to rethink, to realign the frame of our understanding.

我们祈求主重整祷告运动与代求能重回祂的城市。We asked the Lord to realign the prayer movement and intercession back to His city.

这将有助于重新调整香港的汇率,该基金公司认为香港的汇率竞争力太强了。That would help realign Hong Kong’s exchange rate, which Pershing thinks is too competitive.

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我们的目的就是打破这个恶性循环,因为这样的生活对你来说节奏过快了。The goal is to help break the cycle of this life that is too fast for you to realign yourself.

拆卸螺栓和阀盖,重新校准隔膜总成,并将阀盖放回到安全阀阀体上。Remove the bolts and cover, realign the diaphragm assembly, and place the cover back on the relief valve body.

我们祈求主完全重整这根,并开始祈求一个带著神迹奇事的完全翻转。We asked the Lord to fully REALIGN THE ROOT and began to intercede for a full reversal with signs and wonders.

有许多简单的事情你可以做,从而使你成为你想要变成的人,并且你一定可以。There are many simple things you can do to realign yourself with who you want to be, and indeed know you can be.

定期审视时间的运用方式可以使各个行为重新调整到平衡的状态。Regularly taking stock of how you’re spending your time helps you realign your course back to a balanced approach.

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我不打算给你们设计,什么科幻故事了,我打算去折磨案例中的某个人。I'm going to rather gruesomely not realign science-fictioning story, I'm going to torture one of the two in products.

而且,它将使相关投资基金调整目标,新兴市场投资机构将抛售韩国股票,面向发达市场的基金则可能进行吸纳。And it would realign investment funds as emerging-market investors dump Korean shares and developed-market funds buy them.

在一阵加强的锻炼之后,肌肉也需要重组,几分钟的缓和运动可以完成这一过程。Muscles also need to realign themselves after an intensive workout, which a few minutes of stretching can help to accomplish.

括号用于矫正的牙医和重新调整到一个更理想的位置和功能用途化妆品牙齿。Braces are used by dentists and orthodontist to realign teeth into a more desirable position for cosmetics and functionality purposes.

我也许在将来某个时候会去看她,只能是不定的时间,因为像我这种人,不断重新排列过去的事情。I'd be visiting her at some vague time in the future, deliberately vague, for people like me, who realign past events to suit themselves.

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当这种变化涉及到产品内容和功能的重要转变时,企业必须作出反应,并重新结合变化的产品架构。When the change involves important shifts in product content and function, the enterprise must react and realign to the changing product architecture.

阳光打电线将使这个太阳能分钟同步进行调整,调整时钟的时间与真正的太阳绝对时间钟摆。Sunlight striking a wire will allow this solar synchronizer to make minute adjustments and realign the clock's absolute time pendulum with true solar time.

推迟已经让波音向被迫重新调整飞机数量和安排的航空公司支付了数百万美元的罚款和让利。The postponements have cost the company millions of dollars in penalties and concessions to airlines that have been forced realign their fleets and schedules.