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见”编写可重入函数“。See Making a Function Reentrant.

可重入函数不能调用不可重入的函数。A reentrant function must not call non-reentrant functions.

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可再入的函数可以被安全地递归调用或由多任务多次调用。A reentrant function can be safely called recursively or from multiple tasks.

实际上,任何分配或释放内存的库函数都是不可重入的。As a result, no library functions that allocate or free memory are reentrant.

这些房室旁道提供了出生后持续性折返性心律失常的一个基础。These APs may provide a substrate for postnatally persistent reentrant arrhythmias.

我将提出一个在编译器层次处理可重入函数的模型。I would like to propose a model for dealing with reentrant functions at the compiler level.

通过使用第二种方法,不可重入的C标准库子例程被改写为可重入的。The non-reentrant standard C library subroutines were made reentrant using the second method.

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识别不可重入函数并使之变为可重入函数。见”编写可重入函数“。Identifying non-reentrant functions and making them reentrant. See Making a Function Reentrant.

房室结双径传导,是房室结内折返性心动过速的电生理基础。Double tract conduction is the physiological basis of intra-atrial ventricular reentrant tachycardia.

发展了一种计算多注速调管双重入式谐振腔的计算方法。An analysis method used for the double reentrant cavity of multiple-beam klystron is developed in this paper.

电烧掉慢速传导路径之后,房室结迴旋频脉和心房颤动便无法再被诱发。After ablation of the slow pathway, the atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia and AF were not inducible.

在大部分情况下,不可重入的函数修改为可重入函数时,必须修改函数的对外接口。In most cases, non-reentrant functions must be replaced by functions with a modified interface to be reentrant.

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这些短暂的旁路可作为胎儿或新生儿房室折返性心动过速的发病基础。These transitory accessory connections may act as substrate for AV reentrant tachycardias in fetuses or neonates.

推广了一种相对论速调管单重入式无栅间隙圆柱谐振腔的解析分析与计算方法。A kind of analysis method used for computing the singly reentrant cylindrical cavity of relativistic klystron is developed in this paper.

在车用柴油机上引用缩口低排放型燃烧室后,燃烧系统向直喷化发展。Combustion system is developing into the direct injection trend with the introduction of reentrant type combustion chamber for diesel engine.

通过修改函数的原型,您可以实现这个函数的可重入版本。You can implement the reentrant version of this function by changing the prototype of the function. This listing provides storage for the output string

对采用梅花型缩口燃烧室的CA6110型柴油机,进行了计算分析及实验研究,对本文的方法进行了验证。Applicability of the method was verified by the calculation and the test on CA6110 DID engine with plum-blossom shape reentrant type combustion chamber.

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在优先服务原则下,研究了一个三服务台重入型网络和一个任意多个服务台重入型网络的扩散近似。Under priority service discipline, the diffusion approximations for a three-stations reentrant networks and a class of the re-entrant networks were studied.

如果使用第三方程序库,事情会变得更为复杂,因为您永远不知道哪部分程序库是可重入的,哪部分是不可重入的。Things become even more complicated when you're using a third-party library, because you never know which parts of the library are reentrant and which are not.

在此基础上,对不同缩口直径的燃烧室进行喷射系统参数的优化匹配试验研究。Based on this, an experimental study on optimized matching between the fuel injection system and"ω"combustion chamber with different reentrant diameters is performed.