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你是如何开始普雷斯托热身共计医生?How Did You Get Presto TuneUp Total Doctor?

燃油的锅炉和炉子需要每年清洗和调整。Oil-fired boilers and furnaces need a yearly cleaning and tuneup.

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我要解释一些有关的定义普雷斯托热身共计医生。I'll explain some definitions related to Presto TuneUp Total Doctor.

唯一不用程序和文件您在您的PC上都与普雷斯托热身。The only needless program and files you have on your PC are related to Presto TuneUp.

如果你感染了普雷斯托热身共计医生,你应该知道你在战斗。If you're infected with Presto TuneUp Total Doctor, you should know what you're fighting.

没有普雷斯托热身共计医生使用这些策略来欺骗您购买普雷斯托热身共计医生?Did Presto TuneUp Total Doctor use these tactics to trick you into buying Presto TuneUp Total Doctor ?

福克斯新闻最近飞抵北加利福尼亚去看看离海岸40英里外布什号航母上船员们的最后热身。Fox News recently flew out to the USS George H. W. Bush 40 miles off the coast of North Carolina to see the crew's final tuneup.

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直到本周,我还相信他将会在三月回佛罗里达预演,接着参加两周后的美国名人赛。Until this week, I had subscribed to the notion he would return in March and play a Florida tuneup or two before heading to Augusta, Ga.

如果您的电脑需要花费较长的时间比平常要重新启动,或如果您的互联网连接异常缓慢,您可能会感染普雷斯托热身共计医生。If your PC takes longer than usual to reboot, or if your Internet connection is unusually slow, you may be infected with Presto TuneUp Total Doctor.

该公司的创立是为了服务于一个热身公用事业配套销售给消费者,零售商,中小企业和企业集中在北美市场。The company was founded to serve the North American market, with a focus on supporting TuneUp Utilities sales to consumers, retailers, SMBs and enterprises.