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这样意味着坏运气。That means bad luck.

可交付意味着已经完成了。Shippable means done.

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那也就意味着万圣节到了!That means Halloween!

这个图案是轮回的意思。This one means karma.

你只管干下去。Go ahead by all means.

Jichang"是机场的意思。Jichang means airport.

这对美国意味着什么呢?What this means for U.

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造呢,是指到达。"Zao" means "to reach".

“也许”的意思常是“不”。“Maybe” often means no.

它的意思是鹰腿石。It means Eagle leg rock.

它的意涵不止如此。It means more than this.

那就意味着经验。And that means experience.

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所有的措施都试过了。Bll means have been tried.

那是说,如果你知道何谓爱的话。If you know what it means.

它的意思是“先于什么到来“It means "to come before."

这意味着没有热量传递,没有功。It means no heat, no work.

炒一盘菜的意思是?。To saute a dish, means to?

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悚呢是害怕的意思。"song" means to be scared.

那就意味着它们能数数。And that means coots count.

不管怎样我要将她弄到手。I'll make her by all means.