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儿子满眼不惑。Son eyeful perplexed.

抬头仰望,满眼都是鲜润的蔚蓝色。Looked up, the eyeful are blue.

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她是一个标致的红发美人儿。She was a statuesque redheaded eyeful.

而此时的我,已是满眼水汪汪的泪水。And at this time I have a eyeful watery tears.

二月红看着丫头,满眼宠溺。February red looked at the girl, eyeful spoil.

他们想目睹暴力,而他们也真得看了个够。They wanted to see violence and they got an eyeful.

这种设计满眼是热闹的颜色,心情却是安顿的。This design is lively eyeful of colour, the mood is down.

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满眼柔丝飞絮雾蒙蒙的溶了一角的天空。Eyeful rose willow catkins foggy dissolve a corner of the sky.

满眼都是雾气,幻觉,是拥挤的树木和树木。Eyeful is fog, hallucinations, is crowded with trees and trees.

纵然满眼添归思,未把渔竿奈尔何。Tim eyeful go even thinking, not what the fishing rod McConnell.

绚丽的画面和视觉盛事给观众带来真实的视觉享受。The colorful scenes and visual spectacle gives audiences a real eyeful.

今天去了黑龙潭,第一次,梅花让我看着就觉得满眼的幸福。Dragon's Tam the first time, let me look at Plum eyeful , feeling happiness.

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新绿、嫩绿、鲜绿、翠绿,满眼的绿色呀,温柔着我们的视线。The new green, green, green, green eyeful Yes, gentle with our line of sight.

可以做成一个小花室,一进门便满眼青翠,一定非常惬意。Can create a small flower room, a door will eyeful Green, a very satisfactory.

舒儿猛的抬头,满眼泪水的看着一旁坐着的女子。Comfortable son fierce title, the eyeful tears looking at a side sits of woman.

该市是一个满眼美丽的园林区,建筑和丰富的土地,看到的。The city was an eyeful with beautiful garden areas, architecture and plenty of sites to see.

就如看一座山,站到山脚,满眼尽是山,那么感受到的是它的巍峨。As see a hill, stand to the foot of the mountain, the eyeful is, then feel is the gargantuan it.

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刚来上海的时候,看到满眼的欧美建筑,洋奴风气,很不服气。Shanghai first got here, and see eyeful of construction, lavish comprador culture, not to worry.

今天去了黑龙潭,第一次,梅花让我看着就觉得满眼的幸福。Today I went to Black Dragon's Tam the first time, let me look at Plum eyeful , feeling happiness.

又孕育了一条山花烂漫,落日溶金,彩霞满眼。Conceived a mountain to spend lousy again, the setting sun dissolved a gold, roseate clouds eyeful.