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你喝一杯咖啡马上精神会振作起来。A cup of coffee will soon perk you up.

但是,把咖啡残渣变废为宝的想法可能还是能使你为之一振吧!Still, it's an idea that could perk you up.

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千万别忘了这项18岁拥有的重要权益。Don’t forget this very important perk of being 18!

这张照片是一个飞行员的额外收获。Well this photo is a perk of being an airline pilot.

哪儿可以找到在我宿舍使用的廉价滤式咖啡壶呢?Where can I find a cheap coffee perk for my dorm room?

它们有些时候让我精神振奋,又有时会让我感觉完全的放松。Sometimes they perk me up and other times they completely relax me.

但夫妻们仍可以用很多方式来重拾爱火。But there are many ways that couples can perk up their relationship.

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发热渗透着你的头发,会产生石灰雾气,你可以看到。As the heat penetrates your hair the lime vapours really perk you up.

随着就业前景明朗化,消费信心也将振作起来。As the job outlook brightens, consumer sentiment should perk up, too.

嘿,不要哭啦,覆水难收!面对现实吧,振作起来!Hey, don't cry for the spilled water! Just face the music and perk up.

如果你的苹果切片已经看起来不新鲜了,盐水也可以使其重新振作起来。If your apple slices have withered, salt water will also perk them up.

然而,你也应该和猫儿玩游戏使它们快活起来。Nevertheless, you can and should play games with them to perk them up.

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你应该对他充分了解,送他适当的礼物使他振作。You should know him well enough to give the perfect gift to perk him up.

爱情方面,5月16日一过,一切都将抖擞精神重新上路。Romantically, once you pass May 16 things should immediately begin to perk up.

每日清晨一杯香醇的咖啡不仅能使你精神为之一振,有时候可能还会挽救你的生命。A morning caffeine fix might do more than perk you up – it could save your life.

她是流行偶像,所以当她打电话来的时候我们很难不兴奋。She's a pop icon, so it's hard not to perk your ears up when she comes a-calling.

中央咖啡馆的场景,附带一条真正的沥青“街道”,是少数现场录音的场景之一。The Central Perk set is one of the few sound stage sets with a real asphalt"street.

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用不了多久,市场上购销两旺,生产线生气勃勃,贷款扶摇而上,于是乎,凯恩斯的书又回了书架。In time, purchasing, production and loans perk up, and Keynes is placed back on the shelf.

“能了解到他的一些想法和观点,的确是一份美妙的额外收获,”波登说。It was a nice perk to have access to some of his thoughts and insights, “ Mr. Borden said.

这个新的系统肯定能够使全世界的游戏玩家和发烧友为之惊喜和跳跃。This new system is sure to perk up the ears of gamers and thrill enthusiasts the world over.