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薪水排在第六位。Salary came in sixth.

她教六年级。She teaches sixth grade.

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第六柄刀尖上挑雁翎刀。Sixth is with protruding tip.

六段分期法。The sixth installment method.

王涛于六月六日出生,母子平安。Tao born June sixth both well.

我向着第六个烽火台进发。I embarked toward the sixth beacon.

王涛于六月六日出生,母子平安。Wang Tao born June sixth both well.

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你的直觉就是你的第六感。六级查分。Your intuition is your sixth sense.

九的六次幂是多少?。How much is the sixth power of nine?

第六个月,殷彩霞回来了。In the sixth month, Caixia returned.

我们经常是关闭我们的第六感。So often we shut off our sixth sense.

在第六天或第七天的时候我问她。I asked her on the sixth or seventh day.

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这是你的姐姐的第六个琵琶,先生?。Is this your sister's sixth zither, sir?

贾思勰糊口在公元六世纪强大。Jia Sixie lived in the sixth century AD.

从四年级跳级到六年级。Skip from the fourth to the sixth grade.

遇见六叔和六舅。Met Sixth Uncle, and six maternal uncles.

六年级来了一名新代课教师。Sixth grade to a new substitute teachers.

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第六个受到奖励的是阿若夫?库德。The sixth person honored was Aref Kodeih.

今天是一九八二年四月六日。Today is April sixth nineteen eighty-two.

第六个生病的酋长是第六个信徒的病人。The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.