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这是一张完整的常数表。This is the table of constants in its entirety.

因为我在美国,所以就可将其完整地变卖出去。Since I am in America, I can sell it in its entirety.

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比例是部分对全体在尺度间的调和。Proportion is the consonance of portion against entirety.

它有主观性、整体性和相对稳定性。It is also of subjectiveness, entirety and relative stability.

这个是计算机图形学的课程设计的全部内容。This is a computer graphics curriculum design in its entirety.

网站整体结合亚加达企业VI的红、白进行版面设计。Website entirety red Alcanta enterprise VI and white were layout.

整体地看,你刚刚总结了塞思·麦克法兰的全部“幽默”。You just summed up the entirety of Seth McFarlane "humor" as a whole.

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在此情况下,没有必要序列化整个对象。In those cases, serializing the entirety of the object is unnecessary.

当人们知道自己没有被全盘接受的时候,人们会很受伤。People know when they are not accepted in their entirety and it hurts.

在愤怒的声讨中,很少有人完整地读过他那篇争议性的文章。In all the outrage, few have read the entirety of his controversial piece.

我感觉自己与天地万物联系在了一起,与它融成一个整体。I felt so plugged in and connected to the universe and all of its entirety.

全本圣经都是神恩赐的启示。WE AFFIRM that the written Word in its entirety is revelation given by God.

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本文提出了ZC型液压缸的整体联解法。In this paper, the method in its entirety of ZC type hydro cylinder is proposed.

我力劝你完整地阅读纽约时报社论和新英格兰医学杂志刊登的文章。I urge you to read both the NYT editorial and the NEJM article in their entirety.

期末考试是三个小时的综合考试,内容将覆盖整个课程。The Final Exam is a 3-hour, cumulative exam, covering the entirety of the course.

第三乐章开始于和谐的旋律,这一旋律也是贯穿其整体的。The third movement opens with a unison melody which remainsthroughout its entirety.

冯特以整体原则为指导,关注自我意识,并限定了实验手段的使用范围。Wundt had paid close to the subject and self-consciousness according to entirety rule.

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成年人需要经常向ESP们提醒这些规定,进行全面详细的说明。Adults should remind ESPs of the rules frequently, spelling them out in their entirety.

所有权被称作是“法定使用权和处置权的集合体。”Ownership has been described as"the entirety of powers of use and disposal allowed by law".

所有权被称作是䏰“法定使用权和处置权的集合体。”Ownership has been described as "the entirety of powers of use and disposal allowed by law".