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然后,我们乘坐了索道缆车。Then, we had taking the funicular.

坐上肖蒙缆索游客们可以观赏到全景。A ride on the Chaumont funicular affords panoramic views.

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木栅指南宫旁大雄宝殿山下的索道台车之中途。The midway of funicular at Chi-Nan Temple, Mu-Cha, Taipei.

后来我乘缆车观赏了全景式的景观。Later I take the funicular train, with its outstanding panoramic views.

木栅指南宫旁大雄宝殿山下的索道台车之著点。The arrival point of funicular track at Chi-Nan Temple, Mu-Cha, Taipei.

在缆车上,我们欣赏了风景并和其他的同学打招呼。We enjoyed scenery and greeted with other classmates when we on the funicular.

桃园县大溪镇莲座山观音寺入口处旁的登山索道铁路。The funicular track beside the entrance of Kuanyin Temple, Ta-Hsi, Tao-Yuan County.

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欧根兰根设计了一个悬挂在德累斯顿的铁路,虽然它是一个登山铁路更多。Eugen Langen had designed a railway in Dresden, although it was more of a funicular railway.

巨大的八边形结构,包括10个房间两间浴室,只有乘坐缆车可以进入。The massive octagonal structure contains 10 rooms, 2 baths, and is accessible only by a funicular.

在维多利亚山顶上,通过登山缆车到达,都是美好的风光也是塔顶,一个购物复合体。Atop Victoria Peak, reachable via a funicular , are great views as well as Peak Tower, a shopping complex.

目的提高对急性附睾睾丸炎性精索血运障碍的认识。Objective To promote the understanding of severe epididymal orchitis causing funicular blood circulation disorder.

这种乳突组织与花柱内侧起柱头作用的乳突组织,以及珠柄上的珠柄珠孔塞的乳突组织相连续,成为一个整体。The papilla tissue, the papilla on the style, which acts as stigma and the funicular obturator are united as a whole.

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这个夏天我想带我儿子乘坐缆车到山顶上的城堡花园去玩。This summer I want to take my son on the funicular railway which runs up the mountain to the top of the castle gardens.

香港的另一种“电车”是由山顶缆车有限公司经营的缆车。Hong Kong's other 'tramway' is a cable-hauled funicular railway operated by the Peak Tramways Company Limited from Central to The Peak.

结论急性附睾睾丸炎保守治疗效果不佳的原因可能为精索血运障碍,对这类病例应早期手术治疗。Conclusions Conservative management would not do if there is funicular blood circulation disorder and in such cases early operation should be undertaken.

虽然构想为所有多装货是缆索铁路的唯一形状是不可能的,弯曲的作用可以由仔细的设计减到最小。Although it is not possible to devise a single shape that is funicular for all multiple loading , the effects of bending can be minimized by careful design.

投向后索核的纤维主要起源于对侧后乙状回第V层的锥体细胞。The majority of cortical efferents which terminated to the dorsal funicular nuclei derived controlaterally from the pyramidal cells in layer V posterior sigmoid gyrus.

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本港共有5个铁路系统,计有使用率很高的地下铁路集体运输系统、繁忙的郊区铁路、现代化的轻便铁路、传统的电车,以及山顶缆车。The five rail systems include a heavily-used mass transit system, a busy suburban railway, a modern light railway, a traditional street tramway and the Peak funicular railway.

结论小儿精索、阴囊淋巴管瘤与鞘膜积液的临床特点相似,B超检查有利于提高诊断率。Conclusions The symptoms of funicular and scrotal lymphangioma were similar to those of hydrocele, and B ultrasonic examination could help to improve the rate of correct diagnosis.

“去萨尔茨堡城堡,游客们可以乘出租车或者缆索,从缆索上往下看,这座华丽的冰雪城市给游客们一种就像置身于一个水晶球中一样”,摄影家鲍博·克里斯特说道。Hohensalzburg fortress reachable via taxi or funicular overlooks an ornate wintry city that gives visitors the sense of'being inside a souvenir snow dome'says photographer bob krist.