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第一个姓氏必须是父亲的姓氏。The first surname is the paternal.

我是姑姑扶养大的。I was brought up by my paternal aunt.

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“新立?”表叔看了看我。"Xinli?" then my paternal uncle glanced at me.

跳跳虎一定有很强烈的母性,哎,父性本能。Tigger must have a strong maternal , er, paternal instinct.

我没有想要孩子的意愿,没有母性的或父性的本能。I have no desire to have a child, no maternal or paternal instinct.

冉阿让的态度比以往任何时候都更象慈父,更加仁爱。Jean Valjean's manners were more tender and more paternal than ever.

核型分析法以期证实羊水中有父源性信息。Karyotype analysis was used to confirm paternal information in amniotic fluid.

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这项研究并没有指出父亲年龄与孩子患躁郁症之间的联系。The study did not show any connection between paternal age and bipolar disorder.

啊,杰出的首相,作为父亲,过分的焦虑使我累得想睡觉了。And now, O excellent Vizier, the excess of my paternal anxiety inclines me to sleep.

卜特太太用迷人的甜劲儿接受了皮克威先生父亲般的握手。Mrs. Pott received Mr. Pick-wick's paternal grasp of the hand with enchanting sweetness.

他父亲和祖父都成为四星级的美国海军提督。His father and his paternal grandfather both became four-star United States Navy admirals.

人们总是关注母亲怀孕的年龄,但是现在我们知道父亲的年龄也是非常重要的。People have always focused on maternal age, but now we know that paternal age matters, too.

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然后,纺锤体将会随机地出现在母染色体和父染色体的每一边的中线上。The spindles then place maternal and paternal chromosomes randomly on each side of midline.

推导公式确定比例的父亲是21三体。Derivation of a formula for determination of proportion of paternal trisomy 21 is presented.

最后几个月里我敬若尊长的顾问弗里德里·吕申来到了总理府。My pATernal adviser of the past few months, Fried-rich Luschen, had arrived AT the Chancellery.

亨利爵士是位律师,我们村里人关注这他辉煌的事业,带着一种几近父辈的骄傲。And the village followed his brilliant career with something almost amounting to paternal pride.

由你们自己人中间选出来的元老们,将组成市政府,或者叫市政管理局。A paternal council, chosen from among yourselves, will compose your municipality or town council.

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平均上而言,你身上的DNA有多少比例是从你的亲代的外曾祖母遗传给你的?On average, what percentage of your DNA have you inherited from your paternal great-grandmother ?

父系氏族社会是氏族社会瓦解时期的别称,不能视作与母系氏族社会并列的氏族社会发展阶段。Whereas, the paternal clan society is another name of the period of the bankrupcy of the society.

以一种父爱般仁慈的姿态向LJ保证,他会非常高兴来清理LJ造成的这个烂摊子。In a very paternal manner, he promises LJ that he will gladly clean up this mess that LJ has made.