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一定量的正的功。Work is coming out.

引航员正在去你船。Pilot coming to you.

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她随后就来。She was coming later.

瞧,它游过来了。Look it's coming over.

风刮起来了。The wind is coming up.

横竖我不来了。Anyway I am not coming.

别着急,我就来。Don't worry.I'm coming.

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花儿也把春来闹。Flowers are coming too.

我听见有人来了。I heard someone coming.

看,它游过来了。Look, it's coming over.

好的,我来了。Okey Dokey! I'm coming.

他将等候我的到来。He will abide my coming.

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我期待你的归来。I hope your coming back.

再次感谢各位佳宾的到来!Thanks for coming again!

它闻到了春天的气息。He smelled spring coming.

她对我的到来反应冷淡。She hardens to my coming.

你是从那一年来的?When are you coming from?

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妈,陈慧今晚要来。Chen Hui's coming tonight.

梦见那种力量来到。Dream the power coming on.

他对我的到来感到不安。He stewed about my coming.