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被捕食者是捕食者数量的十倍。Preys outnumber predators ten to one.

支票支付明显多于现金交易。Payments by check easily outnumber cash transaction.

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可是,目前节约的人在数量上还是远远超过了愿意消费的人。For the moment, however, the savers outnumber the spenders.

现在新西兰的绵羊和居民的数目比率是12比1。They now outnumber humans in New Zealand by a ratio of 12 to 1.

导致这种现象最可能的原因是雄性?鸟比雌性多。The most likely reason for this is that male plovers outnumber females.

目前,在讲英语的人中,非英语母语人士和英语母语人士的比例是3比1。Non-native speakers now outnumber native English-speakers by three to one.

我只是在说,没有吹罚的次数远超过明星哨。I am simply saying that the non-calls easily outnumber the superstar calls.

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一般来说,空椅子比听众多是读书会上很平常的事。These arenormally sedate affairs where empty chairs outnumber the audience.

在这个受地震蹂躝的小镇,伤心的事情远远多过这类故事。In a town ravaged by the quake, the sad stories far outnumber ones like his.

在中学教育上,45个发展中国家的女中学生数量多于男生。And in secondary education, girls now outnumber boys in 45 developing countries.

在如今的认识里,冰态的小行星远比巨大的气体或岩石组成的行星多得多。In that understanding, small, icy planets far outnumber big gassy or rocky ones.

今岁尾,职业女性的数量估量赶过男性。By the end of the year, working women in the U. S. are expected to outnumber men.

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拿65岁作例子,到了2018年,他们会比小于5岁的人数多,这是历史上的首例。By 2018, 65-year-olds, for example, will outnumber those under 5 — a historic first.

约聘人员超过固定职员,而且更有可能长期做下去。Contractors outnumber permanent staff and are more likely to get long-service-awards.

盖茨不断提醒盟国,美军空军海军的装备数量远胜中国。Gates constantly reminds allies that US air and naval assets outnumber those of China.

如果某种语言的非母语使用者超过母语使用者,意味着什么?So what does it mean when non-native speakers of a language outnumber native speakers?

正如科拉柯夫斯基先生显示的,答案比问题多,有时候甚至把问题全部淹没了。As Mr. Kolakowski shows, the answers outnumber the questions, and sometimes swamp them.

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到时,老年人的数量将历史性第一次超过14岁及以下岁数儿童的数量。At that time, seniors will outnumber children 14 and under for the first time in history.

所以我们朝上游方向走,到了一处沙坝,一处熊迹比人迹还多的地方,开始我们的钓鱼。So heading upstream, to a sandbank where the bear prints outnumber the human prints, we fished.

家畜的数量远远超过马匹,并且啃食土地局管理的大部分土地。Livestock greatly outnumber wild horses, and graze on a much larger portion of BLM-managed land.