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他戴顶黑色圆顶礼帽。He wears a black derby.

米兰德比在第五轮?The derby on the fifth?

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这匹在马赛中获胜的马现在用作了种马。The Derby winner is now standing.

那匹马在肯塔基马赛上获胜。That horse won the Kentucky Derby.

上赛季他被租借在德比城。He was on loan at Derby last season.

而这场红色德比却要求他两者兼顾。This volcanic derby required him to do both.

我们将会赢得米兰德比战,接下来进军欧洲。We win derby with Inter and then is Europe"."

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这是有史以来最短的一场米兰德比。It was the shortest Milan derby ever completed.

如果我们赢下德比战,我的感觉会好些。I would have felt better if we had won the derby.

米兰德比就像一场冠军联赛决赛。The Milan derby is like a Champions League Final.

德比战就是这样,他们可以很恐怖。Derby games can be that way, they can be horrible.

得冠军的那位骑师在德比年度大赛上跑得很轻松。The champion jockey had an easy ride in the Derby.

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她唯一的爱好是收集皇冠德比瓷器。Her only hobby is collecting Royal Crown Derby china.

飞机上大量数据被传输至德比。A torrent of data is beamed from the aircraft to Derby.

接下来是北伦敦德比战的消息。这个夜晚属于托特纳姆。Coming up, it's Tottenham 's night in the north London derby.

如何预填充表和一些数据存储器德比?How to pre populate Derby in memory with tables and some data?

他带队的最后一场比赛中在泰恩-威尔的德比中打成了1-1。His last match in charge was a 1-1 draw in the Tyne-Wear derby.

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在下周德比之前拿下一场胜利的赶脚是不错的。It was good to get a victory going into the derby next weekend.

他戴一顶常礼帽,穿一件单排扣的黑大衣。He wore a derby hat and a black overcoat buttoned across the chest.

而与埃弗顿的默西塞德德比大战将更为精彩。But Everton's silent west Seder the Derby war will be more splendid.