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那个粉红色的东西原来是一只野猪幼崽。The pinkish object was a baby bushpig.

这是个有点较为激进的组织。This is a somewhat pinkish organization.

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但有时确实能见到部分拉拉的鼻头是粉的。But I see some Labradors with a pinkish nose.

黄昏中散发着银蓝光辉的轩辕十四略呈雪青色。Silvery-blue Regulus may look pinkish in the twilight.

植物显示为绿色,而空地则显示为桃红棕。Vegetation is green, and bare ground is pinkish brown.

银蓝色的轩辕十四在暮色里有一点点浅桃色。Silvery -blue Regulus may look pinkish in the twilight.

边材为粉红色,心材为粉红褐色。The sapwood is pinkish and the heartwood pinkish-brown.

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澳大利亚粉红身体并有蓝色斑点的食用鱼。Australian food fish having a pinkish body with blue spots.

欧亚草本植物,伞房花序末端开白色或淡紫色花。Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb.

改变它的颜色粉红橙色然后栅格三种外形。Change its color to a pinkish orange then rasterize all three shapes.

欧洲的一种兰花,花穗状、绿色略带桃色或紫色。European orchid with spikes of green and pinkish or purplish flowers.

弥漫著一片粉紫的熏衣草田,是夏季北海道最令人心动的景色。Filled with a pinkish to lavender fields in summer in Hokkaido is the most exciting scenery.

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成熟的灰比诺的果实颜色为蓝灰色至淡淡的粉棕色。Ripe pinot gris grapes may be described as having colors from bluish grey to light pinkish brown.

最出名的黄玉有各种颜色如深黄色、淡棕色、浅红色等。The best-known precious topaz gems range in color from rich yellow to light brown or pinkish red.

因此由检偏振镜透射出来的光将以红光为主,吐粉红色。The light transmitted by the analyzer will therefore predominate in red, and will have a pinkish hue.

我看着那条虫子,好一个粉嫩色的肉瘤在酒精中徜徉,令我联想到安炸弹的人遗世独立的残余物。I watched the worm, a pinkish nub of flesh swirling in the alcohol, and thought of the bomber's remains.

结果,这张拼贴图看起来就像在周围的庞大的年轻恒星边泼洒了许多粉红色的氢气云一样。As a result, this mosaic seems spattered with pinkish clouds of hydrogen gas surrounding massive, young stars.

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这些德国进口全部有完全在周围身体、线性和宽广的绿色条纹和粉红不透明色。These German imports all have a perfectly round body, linear and broad green stripes and a pinkish body colour.

北温带沼泽灌木,有常绿的坚韧的叶子和小的白色的圆柱形的花。shrub growing in swamps throughout the eastern United States and having small white to pinkish honeysucklelike flowers.

每只花蕾开放后就会显现出软绒绒的粉白花瓣,中心带一小红星,完美之至,看上去就像是人造的。Each bud opens to reveal velvety pinkish white petals with a miniature red star in the center, so perfect as to appear artificial.