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印度模式却要砸锅。India's model is a flop.

失败还是前瞻?Palm Foleo flop or future?

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他噗通一声掉到水里。He fell flop into the water.

不休息一下我会倒地不起。Without a break I will flop.

下注在这种翻牌时意味着什么呢?What does a bet mean on this flop?

他扑通一声掉进水里。He fell with a flop into the water.

所以被称为“票房毒药”。So it was called "box office flop".

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为什么我会倾向于在翻牌圈下注?Why would I want to bet that flop ?

这种打法比跟注他在翻牌圈的下注要好。This play is better than calling his flop bet.

时序部分基于可配置的D型触发器。The sequential part is based on a configurable D-type flop.

制药业大亨柯克的第一次商业冒险最终以失败告终。Pharmaceutical tycoon R. J. Kirk's first venture was a flop.

学会美国十次了这部电影卖座率奇低,没有人去看。The movie wfor continually being a flop. Nobody went to see it.

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但是,这并不意味着B2C网上贸易已经彻底失败。But this doesn’t mean that B2C Internetcommerce has been a flop.

你要是穿那双太大的鞋子,那就只有啪嗒啪嗒地走动了。If you wear those shoes that are too big, you'll just flop about in them.

或是晚上拖着疲惫的身躯上床,第二天早上起来后感到筋疲力尽?Do you flop into bed at night and roll out of it exhausted in the morning?

第三天晚上可以扑通坐在羽绒被上,还能洗热水澡实在是太好了。It was lovley on night 3 to flop into a fluffy duvet and have a hot shower.

我脚上穿的那双拖鞋与废墟缠在一起,我将它踢到一旁。My flip flop sandals were getting entangled in the debris and I kicked them off.

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这位药物学家试图发现一种新的攻克癌症的药物,结果失败了。The pharmacologist's attempt to find a new cure to crack cancer has been a flop.

通过购买世界杯上黯淡无光的马竞前锋,迭戈科斯塔,切尔西已经聪明地投了保。By buying World Cup flop Diego Costa, Chelsea have cleverly insured against this.

除了倒在那张破旧的小踏上大哭一场之外,显然没有别的办法。There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.