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“网络礼节禁止这个项目”!The "Netiquette abolishment project" !

废除农业税每人直接受益100元。The direct benefit of tax abolishment is 100 yuan per-person.

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自然法对于废除农奴制和奴隶制起了很大的作用。The law of nature contributed to the abolishment of villeinage and serfdom.

应废除“核保护伞”和“核共享”的政策与实践。Abolishment of "nuclear umbrella " and "nuclear sharing" policies and practices.

ECCO尊重机会平等,支持废除工作场所的歧视。ECCO respects equal opportunities and supports abolishment of discrimination in the workplace.

政府直接补贴农民和废除农业税。One reason is government direct subsidies to farmers and the abolishment of agricultural taxes.

这意味着要废除年度个人目标或排名绩效考核和目标管理。This means, inter alia, abolishment of the annual or merit rating and of management by objective.

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工人们坚持取消旧的规定,建立新的规章制度…The Workers insisted on the abolishment of the old rules and the establishment of new regulations.

本文试图从趋势研究的途径考察中共统购统销和农业税兴废的举措。This article explores the rise and the abolishment of the unified purchase and agricultural tax in China.

即使免除了学费,很多人都说,学校其他的费用还是很多,他们仍交不起。Even with the abolishment of tuition, many said, they were still squeezed by a proliferation of other school fees.

我们要求所有对大学评量和引进ICTS的相关法律。We demand the abolishment of all the relevant laws for the evaluation of Universities and the introduction of ICTS.

自从国家取消了农业税,农民就可以不纳粮了,负担减轻了许多!Since the abolishment of agricultural duty, farmers no longer need to pay for money and rice, and their burden has reduced a lot.

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此外,长期的重刑主义传统和严峻的治安形势也都决定了现阶段生命刑尚不能完全废除。Furthermore the traditional mind of severe penalty and situation of public security also restrict the abolishment of death penalty.

加里表示,利比亚必须努力废除憎恨和嫉妒情绪,他敦促利比亚人避免报复和压迫。Jalil says the nation must work for the abolishment of hatred and of jealousy and he urged Libyans to avoid revenge and oppression.

作为一项立法改革,死刑的废止又离不开现实经验的支持。And as a legislative reformation, it's necessary for the abolishment of the death penalty to garner much support from the experience.

死刑废止论和死刑存置论都可以从对方的论据中找到支持自己观点的理由。The theory on the abolishment of death penalty can find arguments from the analysis on the reservation of death penalty, and vice versa.

中国行政区划体制改革应以废除“市管县”体制为突破口。The reformation of City Distribution System in China is supposed to begin with the abolishment of the present "City Governs County"system.

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同时,取消农业税对中国社会发展有积极的影响力,也不可避免地会有新的问题产生。While serving as positive impact on social development of China, abolishment of agricultural tax will unavoidably cause come new problems.

法的废止,是立法主体依据一定职权和程序对现行法实施变动使其失去法的效力的专门活动。Abolishment of law refers to the activities that lawmakers set aside current laws as invalid in the light of statutory power and procedure.

第三,分析了欧盟对班轮公会反垄断豁免制度的评议和废止过程,欧盟委员会在评议过程中考虑了诸多相关因素。Chapter thee analyses the process of discussion and abolishment to antitrust exemption. EU committee considers a lot of correlative factors.