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毛刺的出现与制壳过程中面层型壳的开裂有关。Shell cracking is the source of veining defects.

艺术是社会的镜子,反映出当今社会的时代脉络。Art is a mirror reflects the era veining of the current society.

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使用快干增强硅溶胶也有助于降低毛刺缺陷。It is also helpful to reduce the veining defects using enhanced colloidal silica.

通过对我国文化产业发展四个阶段的回顾,以期厘清其发展脉络。It retraces the four periods of our culture industry to make clear its development veining.

密度石英硫化物成脉络也是一个决定因素在金子的等级。The density of quartz-sulphide veining was also a determining factor on the grade of the gold.

黑绿色圆到心型叶,叶子薄而多毛,摸起来很柔软,叶脉很明显。Black-green, round to heart-shaped, may cup up or down, thin, hairy, velvety, pronounced veining.

低膨胀树脂对解决铸造缺陷,特别是对毛刺、热裂尤为有效。Low expansion resin is, prevents from casting defects, especially veining and hot tear caused from thermal expansion.

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叶脉中心的轴线为主要脉络,沿此设置重要公共功能分区,并向四周扩展。As main axis, there is a main veining where the most important public functions are set up and extend to the surrounding.

美纹石的纹路与色彩自然贯穿于整个板材的断面,产品易于维护而持久耐用。Combining function and style, the veining and coloration run though the entire depth of each Mystera product for easy maintenance and durability.

而深入研究维特根斯坦哲学,将有助于我们把握现代西方哲学发展的脉络和趋势。And deeply studying Wittgenstein philosophy will be beneficial for us to grasp the veining and trend of the modern western philosophic development.

具体来说,由于中美文化的差异,中国和美国的女性主义电影存在了很多不同。In other words, as a result of sexual, cultural and ethnic complexities veining the adventurous feminist media work, films cannot any longer be remote from feminism.

通过改进浇注系统,特别是采取在进、排气道芯砂中添加特殊抗脉纹添加剂及在砂芯表面涂刷烧结型涂料等工艺,有效地预防和消除了脉纹缺陷。Veining defects have been effectively prevented and eliminated by improvement on gating system, especially by special additive to core sand and sinter coating on surface of sand core.

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研究认为,柴油机气缸盖进、排气道脉纹的产生主要是由硅砂高温发生相变膨胀导致砂芯开裂引起的。Research has believed that veining in admission and exhaust passage of diesel engine cylinder head may mainly be caused by crack of sand core occurring in high temperature phase change expansion.

富力盈凯广场的塔楼体量简单却富有标志性,塔楼形体的灵感来自于岭南竹子,以雕刻的手法塑造出不对称边角以及外墙垂直脉络。The simple yet iconic form of the tower tracesinspiration from local bamboo plants, as seen in the building's asymmetricallycarved corners as well as the veining of vertical strips on the façade.