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你对可卡因知多少?What do you know about cocaine?

可卡因和安非他明就不那么良性了。Cocaine and amphetamines are less benign.

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警方报告说她正在吸可卡因。The police report said she was doing cocaine.

我的黑鬼的角落还卖可卡因。My niggers on the corner still selling cocaine.

可卡因和海洛因是通往地狱的快车道。Cocaine and heroin are fast routes to perdition.

可卡因是一种强大的中枢神经系统激动剂。Cocaine is a potent central nervous system stimulant.

对于海洛因和可卡因的合法化,我非常赞成。I'm passionately in favour of legalising heroin and cocaine.

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是一个被古柯碱和呱替啶混合剂控制的毒瘾患者。He is a drug addict, hooked on a mix of cocaine and meperidine.

给予可卡因成瘾的患者实施全麻安全吗?General anaesthesia for the cocaine abusing patient. Is it safe?

于是他告诉邦德和埃迪那是一个可卡因聚会。So he told Boner and Eddie that there was cocaine at that party.

扫毒行动已缴获了近900千克的可卡因。The anti-drug sweep had netted nearly 900 kilogrammes of cocaine.

可卡因已成为美国调查人员优先考虑的毒品了。For U. S. investigators, cocaine has become the top-priority drug.

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在可卡因的影响之下,这个系统也会被激发。This same system is activated when under the influence of cocaine.

你的女儿在嗑药,请带她到康复治疗诊所。Your daughter is using cocaine. Put her in a rehabilitation clinic.

这提示可卡因的神经毒性作用具有长时程效应。From above, we can cue that cocaine has long toxicity effect on CNS.

我是真的自我药物治疗的焦虑从我多动症与可卡因。I was actually self- medicating the anxiety from my ADHD with cocaine.

卡洛斯·雷德与可卡因贩运的关系,正如亨利·福特与汽车的关系。Carlos Lehder was to cocaine transportation what Henry Ford was to cars.

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卡洛斯。雷德与可卡因贩运的关系,正如同行利。福特与汽车的关系。Carlos Lehder was to cocaine transportation what Henry Ford was to cars.

类似的变化也可以在吃了可卡因或海洛因的大鼠脑中看见。Similar changes also are seen in the brains of rats on cocaine and heroin.

可卡因贩子雇佣了一个老练的走私犯把毒品带进了澳大利亚。Dealers in cocaine hired an old smuggler to Dealers in drug into Australia.