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委托、事件和lambda表达式Delegates, events, and lambda expressions

如果把λ等于2带进去,这个式子会得到什么呢?If I set lambda equals two, what does this equation become?

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我们都可以解出来,所以这个λ可以是正或者负。It's not a problem. I can allow lambda to be positive or negative.

当距离大于λ,屏障也会投下阴影。When d is large in comparison to lambda the obstacles cast shadows.

椿也可以供应爪附着在一个波长链。Tsubaki can also supply the gripper attachment within a Lambda chain.

最近我的关于Lambda表达式的文章被发表在MSDN杂志上。Recently my article on lambda expressions got published on MSDN magazine.

您可能已经注意到现在有一个语法的拉姆达在测试公平位。You have probably noticed by now that there's a fair bit of lambda syntax in the test.

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好吧,光子,我们从普朗克那得知,它是,即hc/lambda,波长。Well, the energy of the photon, hv we know from Planck, is h nu, which is hc over lambda.

闭包,和lambda表达式相关的一个概念,贯穿整个LINQ查询的设计。Closures, and the related concept lambda expressions, are used throughout the LINQ query design.

什么是拉格朗日乘子,它就是这个λ,在这里,它就被称作这个乘子。What is a Lagrange multiplier? Well, it is this number lambda that is called the multiplier here.

“让变化,不讼”是一个联合咨询纳特,把发布的美国公民自由联盟,高兴,拉姆达法律。"Make Change, Not Lawsuits" is a joint advisory put released by the ACLU, GLAD, Lambda Legal, Nat.

本文主要介绍了多协议波长交换的原理和网络模型。The basic principle of multiprotocol lambda switching and mode of networks is presented in this paper.

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所以,既然光速等于λ乘以υ,我们可以得到动量等于h除以λSo, since the speed of light equals lambda nu, we can say that momentum is equal to h divided by lambda.

这里的入是在函数运行的时候,由一个函数创建的,然后我会传递这个值。What lambda that does, it creates on the fly a function, as the program runs. That I can then pass around.

可以对一号星进行,多普勒顿移测量,得到λ撇,随时间变化的结果。You make the Doppler shift measurement of star number one, so you measure lambda one prime as a function of time.

满足设计规则最简单的方法,就是让色层离边界的距离超过设计规则中最小间距的一半以上。If the design rule is an odd number of lambda, you can arbitrarily choose which sides will always get the odd lambda.

为缩短模糊度搜索时间,提高模糊度解算的正确率,本文引入LAMBDA法进行解算整周模糊度。To shorten the time of the solution of integer ambiguity and improve its validity, the LAMBDA algorithm is introduced.

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提出了一种单历元初始整周模糊度在航解算方法,该方法把LAMBDA法和ARCE法的优点综合于一体,可快速准确地解算整周模糊度。In this paper, an algorithm to calculate ambiguity on-the-fly is presented, which combines the merits of LAMBDA and ARCE.

光波长交换有望带来很多的好处,但剩下的工作就是确定标准协议如何实现这些好处。Lambda switching promises numerous benefits, but there is work left to determine how standard protocols will deliver them.

他举出了大量的例子告诉你如何巧妙地处理那些表达式树和编译你的带自定义条件的lambda表达式。He has a great example of how you can manipulate the expression trees and build custom conditions in your lambda expressions.