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我在大厅里碰到了女校长。I met the headmistress in the hall.

校长呵,你还算不上是一个女人。Headmistress Huh, you are not a woman.

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昨天我被介绍给新来的女校长。I was introduced to the new headmistress yesterday.

但如果给我这么一个机会,我不会成为乡村女校长。But if I had chance, I would not be such a headmistress.

她因冒犯别的老师而被送到女校长室了。She was sent to the headmistress for cheeking the other teacher.

女校长当时同意将老师们的建议推荐给学校管理者。The headmistress agreed to recommend the teachers' proposals to the school governors.

我们校长是个心胸狭窄的人,她肯定不会接受你的建议。Our headmistress is a small-minded woman. She will certainly turn down your suggestion.

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库娜校长,我有事要跟你说。你的档案更像是前科档案一样。Headmistress Queller, I have something to tell you. I must say, your file reads more like a rap sheet.

因此作为一个女人,这个校长很难把废除传统的消息传递给马赛部落。The headmistress explains that as a woman, it is harder for her to get her message across to Maasai tribes.

我是库娜,康士坦次的新校长。很不幸,在这种情况下与你们相识。I'm ms. Queller, The new headmistress at constance. It's unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances.

1987年,学校校长将这些儿童的案例提交至伦敦大学学院儿童健康研究所。In 1987 the school headmistress referred the case to the Institute of Child Health at University College London.

除了每天收拾空瓶子的人,再也没有人会想到女校长原来是各秘密饮酒的酒徒。No one could have guessed that the headmistress was a tippler except the man who carried away the empty bottles.

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这位“私立学校的女校长”说,任何年满16岁的人,都可以进入她的“世界上第一所应用性学学院”。The "headmistress" says anyone over the age of 16 can enrol at "the world's first college of applied sexuality".

字面上,他的回答是如此真诚,以致于他能正视自己的女校长,表现出一副楚楚可怜的样子。And so literally honest was his reply that Jimmy was able to look his headmistress squarely in the face and appear innocent.

因为她的强硬作风,她有时表现的象一位校长在对付不听话的学生。Because of her authoritarian air, she sometimes appears to be rather like a headmistress dealing sternly with rowdy students.

唱片被送出几周后,女校长给我们展示了一封背面有三根羽毛样式的印章的信封。A few weeks after the record was sent, the headmistress showed us an envelope with a heraldic crest of three feathers on the back.

字面上,他的回答是如此真诚,以致于他能正视自己的女校长,表现出一副楚楚可怜的样子。And so literally honest was his reply that Jimmy was able to look his headmistress squarely in the face and appear innocent. "Honest, Miss.

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一位美国法官裁定,奥普拉·温弗瑞在南非创办的女子学校的一位前女校长起诉其破坏了自己的名誉。Oprah Winfrey must defend a defamation case filed against her by the former headmistress of her girls' school in South Africa, a US judge has ruled.

某幼儿园园长将村民的焦虑斥责为农民的无知。她表示“他们甚至以为树和墙也都被污染了”。At a kindergarten, the headmistress dismisses the villagers' worries as peasant ignorance, saying “they think even the trees and the walls are polluted”.

非常感谢河北区中心小学校长刘女士和扶轮小学主任韩女士来到现场助阵,感谢她们的大力支持!Many thanks to Ms. Liu, headmistress of He Bei Center Primary School & Ms. Han, director of Fu Lun Primary school for coming out and supporting their children at the court.