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一个塔利班的代表告诉新闻报社他们在支尔格发动了对族长会议的袭击。A representative of the Taliban told news agencies that they carried out the attacks on the jirga.

2002年中期,阿富汗代表参加阿富汗国民议会,选举卡尔扎伊为国家领导。In mid-2002 Afghan delegates attended a loya jirga and selected Hamid Karzai as the country's leader.

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相信阿富汗各项事业将在支尔格大会后取得进一步发展。Jiang believes the Afghan undertakings in various fields will make further progress after the Loya Jirga.

卡尔扎伊旨在用这为期三天的"和平支尔格会议",为给改良的塔利班组织提供经济刺激的计划争取支持。Mr Karzai is aiming to use the three-day "peace jirga" to enlist support for his plan to offer economic incentives to reformed Taliban militants.

众议院由至少250人组成,成员根据各省人数按一定比例直接选举产生,任期五年。The Wolesi Jirga consists of up to 250 members elected to five-year terms through direct elections in proportion to the population of each province.

塔利班星期二说,支尔格大会的所有代表都与外国军队和阿富汗政府有联系,并称他们是“没有实权的小丑”。The Taliban said Tuesday that all the jirga delegates are affiliated with foreign forces and the Afghan government, which it called a "powerless stooge."

虽然阿和平进程可能不会一帆风顺,但临时政府希望并将尽力为支尔格大会的成功召开创造一个公平的环境。Despite ups and downs in the Afghan peace process, the interim authority would do its best to ensure a fair environment for the success of the Loya Jirga.

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6月2日,喀布尔“国家和平问题协商族长会议”帐篷附近,与阿富汗安全部队发生冲突之后,一名死去的塔利班战士躺在地上。A dead Taliban fighter lies on the ground following clashes with Afghan security forces near the "National Consultive Peace Jirga" tent in Kabul on June 2, 2010.

库奇以其对习惯法的深刻认识而出名,他请求双方将争执“用坚石压下”——在支尔格期间中止彼此恶意。Mr Kuchi, who is famed for his deep knowledge of customary law, asked the feuders to "place a stone" on their dispute—to suspend hostilities while the jirga sat.

这个大国民议会是一个在波恩建立起来的分配权利的安排,解决了一些代表席位不平均的问题。This loya jirga is intended to legitimise the power sharing arrangement set up in Bonn and begin to iron out at least some of the inequalities in representation.

自从巴基斯坦和阿富汗各方一年多以前举行上一次会谈以来,两国关系有所恶化,塔利班反叛活动有所加强。Since the last Pakistan-Afghanistan jirga held in Kabul more than a year ago, relations between the two countries have worsened and the Taliban insurgency has strengthened.

霍尔布鲁克说,这次与部落首领和政府领导人的协商性支尔格大会原本定于在华盛顿磋商之前举行,但现在要推迟到这次访问之后了。It is a consultative jirga with tribal and government leaders that had been scheduled before the Washington meetings, but was delayed until after this visit, Holbrooke said.

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我们对和平支尔格大会的成功召开表示祝贺,相信在阿富汗政府和人民的努力下,阿富汗一定能够早日实现和平、稳定与发展。We congratulate on the success of the Peace Jirga and believe that Afghanistan will achieve peace, stability and development under the joint efforts of the Afghan Government and people.