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宫颈狭窄。Cervical stenosis.

宫颈癌疫苗是否能长期有效?Does Cervical Cancer Vaccine Benefit Last?

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缓解颈椎不适的穴位是风池穴。Cervical ease discomfort Fengchi Points is.

颈部肌肤结构与面部的有什么不同?Cervical skin texture and what differs facially?

第三腮腺囊肿位于颈后间隙。A third BCC is seen in the posterior cervical space.

宫颈粘液腺癌预后较差。Prognosis of cervical mucinous adenocarcinoma is poor.

有什么好方法可以防止颈椎痛?What good method can prevent cervical vertebra painful?

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电疗如何治疗颈椎病?How does electrotherapy treat cervical vertebra disease?

或者有多年的颈椎病、高血压病等。Or have years of cervical disease, hypertension, and more.

易误诊为颈或腰椎病。PSMA might be misdiagnosed as cervical or lumbar diseases.

一个在颈部椎间盘突出可能导致手臂疼痛。A herniated disk in the cervical region may cause arm pain.

HPV则是大约百分之70患上子宫颈癌的原因。HPV is the cause of roughly 70 per cent of cervical cancers.

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目的分析宫颈糜烂的影响因素。Objective To study the influence factors of cervical erosion.

正常宫颈鳞状上皮,无角化。This is normal cervical non-keratinizing squamous epithelium.

宫颈糜烂通常不影响怀孕和生育。Cervical erosion usually do not influence pregnancy and birth.

茎突过长症、颈椎病、颈动脉炎等。Styloid process syndrome, cervical spondylosis, carotid go far.

但大部分宫颈鳞癌为非角化型。However, most cervical squamous carcinomas are non-keratinizing.

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宫颈糜烂,上药后,有腥味血块组织。Cervical erosion, the drug, the smell of blood clots with tissue.

椎动脉型颈椎病是颈椎病中最常见的类型。Cervical spondylotic vertebral arteriopathy is the most familiar.

了解和记录宫颈分泌物可能比较困难。Interpreting and charting cervical secretions can be challenging.