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对于瑜伽修炼者,一切都是天赐之福。To the Yogi everything is bliss.

“露宿在公园里?”修行者问道。"In the open air?" Asked the yogi.

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“坐到我的身边”,修行者说。"Come and sit down", said the yogi.

纯洁是属于瑜伽士或修道士的观念。Purity is an idea for the yogi or the monk.

她可能不知道陈上师的遗嘱。She is probably unaware of Yogi Chen's will.

"是的,但这只是第一步",修行者回答道。"Yes, this is the first step", responded the yogi.

一天,有个修行者和他的弟子来到大城市。One day, a yogi and his disciple arrived to the big city.

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你也可以享受它,而无需改变你的身份。You too can enjoy it without becoming a yogi or a hermit.

“来吧,我们一起进去”,修行者对他的弟子说。"Come, let's enter inside", the yogi said to his disciple.

瑜珈信徒在精神上被整个宇宙所围绕。The Yogi is spiritually one with the entire universe around him.

瑜伽熊?尤吉·贝拉?谁能告诉我有什么不同?。Yogi Berra? Yogi Bear? Can someone please tell me the difference?

蚁垤却认为这个瑜伽士不过是想要耍小聪明然后逃走而已。He thought that the yogi was just trying to be smart and get away.

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印度的瑜伽修行者如何能不吃不喝维持70年之久?How is the Indian Yogi Surviving without food and water for 70 years?

修行者闭上眼睛,并开始专心的冥想。The yogi closed his eyes and started to meditate with full concentration.

陈上师所作,基于传统禅修训练的闭关修法。A retreat practice written by Yogi Chen based on traditional Chan training.

正如约吉。贝拉所说,“那是似曾相识的东西,只不过以新的包装的再次呈现。”As Yogi Berra said, it was dj vu all over again, but in a nice new package.

贝拉观察到事实上经济预测非常困难,尤其是对“未来”的预测。As yogi Berra reportedly put it, the hardest thing to predict is the future.

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在当时或事后陈上师都没有对此事有何评论。I don't think Yogi Chen made any comments about it, then or after it was over.

端坐在莲花座上,从事瑜珈者看到自己被转变成为不朽之神。Sitting in the lotus-seat, the yogi sees himself transfigured into an immortal.

而他超人力量的源泉,也从放射性的蜘蛛变成了神秘的瑜珈。Spidey gains his powers from a mysterious yogi rather than a radioactive spider.