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激进主义者是个糟糕的外交家。Radicalization is a bad diplomat.

回答是共和党的极端化。The answer is the radicalization of the Republican Party.

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癌症外科医生错误地认为,程序中的每次极端行为都在进步。Cancer surgeons thought, mistakenly, that each radicalization of the procedure was progress.

在城市中心的一幢独立建筑中,相关人士正在进行一场实验,以防止年轻人激进化。In a discrete building in the city center, an experiment is under way to prevent radicalization.

适用放射免疫、生物化学、生物制药、血液制品的分离、提纯。Widely used in radicalization immunity, biochemistry , biologic pharmacy, blood separation and purification.

而这份还未在参议院生效的议案指出,因特网是滋生激进主义和恐怖主义的温室。The bill, which the Senate has not acted on, has a finding that the Internet promotes radicalization and terrorism.

而帕格特对穆斯林激进化的众多解释毫不留情的批驳可能也会在她的欧洲读者中产生震动。Ms Pargeter, too, may jolt some in her European audience by dismissing many of the common explanations for Muslim radicalization.

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的众多解释毫不留情的批驳可能也会在她的欧洲读者中产生震动。Ms Pargeter, too, may jolt some in her European audience by dismissing many of the common explanations for Muslim radicalization.

是北京的激进行为强化了河内反对直接与华盛顿对话的立场,然后导致了波兰主动试探的失败吗?Did the radicalization in Beijing stiffen Hanoi's resistance to direct talks with Washington, thereby dooming the Polish initiative?

一位美国高级官员说,并没有会导致他无法获得签证的“负面信息”,也没有“任何资料显示他的激进主义”。S. A senior U. S. official said there was no 'derogatory information' to deny him the visa, nor 'any information suggesting his radicalization.

因为发生了斯德哥尔摩阿布杜尔瓦哈布的炸弹事件,英国在应对激进的穆斯林移民方面仍然面临持续的考验。As the case of Stockholm bomber Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly shows, Britain has an ongoing problem with the radicalization of Muslim immigrants.

其中一位研究人员是杜克大学教授大卫·尚泽尔。他说,在防止激进主义方面,强大的社区能够比执法部门做得更多。Duke University professor David Schanzer is one those researchers. He says strong communities can do more to prevent radicalization than law enforcement.

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对于年轻人和他们的家人来说,我们和穆斯林社群一同完成这项计划是有积极意义的。由此也显示出,我们没有把伊斯兰教与激进化混为一谈。For youngsters and the families, the fact we are doing this program with the Muslim community is positive. It shows we are not mixing up Islam with radicalization.

更糟糕的是,我们目前没有政策来打击激进主义,以及政府里那些明明有责任推行这一政策却不作为的人。Even worse, we have no policy to counter radicalization or any clarity on whose responsibility in the U. S. government it is to develop and implement such a policy.

我猜你要是想从圣战主义那方面有效解决激进化,就还是得利用——而且是清楚、明显以及公开地——利用宗教。My guess is that if you want to have an efficient way in dealing with radicalization in terms of jihadism, you have to introduce — plainly, obviously, publicly — religion.

中国政府表明上抢先于互联网上的民族主义者发出谴责也导致了中国外交政策的激进,最终可能会降低中国的全球影响力。Beijing's apparent effort to pre-empt criticism from nationalist Internet users has resulted in a radicalization of Chinese diplomacy that might undercut China's global clout.

斯普林菲尔德举行这次活动的同时,国会正在举行听证会,重点讨论一些人认为美国穆斯林社区某些成员激进化的问题。The timing of the Springfield event coincides with hearings in Washington focusing on what some consider to be the radicalization of some members of the Muslim-American community.

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被简单化和绝对化的自利和无私的二元分立,必然造成商业原则和道德情操的互相排斥。The oversimplification and radicalization of the binary opposition between self-interest and selflessness must lead to mutual exclusion between business principles and moral sentiments.

这样“井喷”式的年轻失业者统计图意味着也门社会经济问题非常严重,这些失业的人很容易被恐怖组织招募成为激进组织成员。This swelling demographic of young, unemployed Yemenis represents a significant socioeconomic concern and a potential target for radicalization and recruitment by terrorist organizations.

在实行反跨国犯罪和反恐怖主义的政策的同时,我们仍必须尊重人权,避免采取那些更加导致激进化或滋生恐怖主义的措施。In implementing a policy against transnational crime and terrorism, we must, nonetheless, respect human rights and avoid measures that will lead to further radicalization and foment terrorism.