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这取决于航空公司。It depends on the airline.

试想一下飞机票。Consider an airline ticket.

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飞机餐是否危害健康?Is airline food a health threat?

飞机票是不能转让的。Airline tickets are nontransferable.

英航空公司拟推浪漫空中婚礼。Airline plans mile-high wedding club.

您好!这是南方航空公司。Hello! This is South Airline Company.

您坐哪家航空公司的飞机。A nonscheduled airline or cargo plane.

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因航班客满我们没能乘上班机。The airline bumped us from the flight.

你的航线和航班号是什么?。What's your airline and flight number?

请问我要往哪边去国内航线?。Where should I go to domestic airline?

迷雾打乱了航班时刻表。The fog disrupted the airline schedule.

当地的飞机航线有飞往包威尔湖。The local airline flies to Lake Powell.

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个字母的ICAO航空公司代码。A letter of ICAO airline designator code.

中国民航公司是世界上最好的。Chinese airline is the best in the world.

请问你会乘搭哪一间航空公司回中国?Which airline you choose traval to China?

航空公司的机票价格各不不异。Bir fares vary from one airline to another.

提供航空公司集装板存储服务。Storage and management of airline empty ULD.

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现在我们只是有一个航空公司的里程。Right now we only have miles with one airline.

这航空公司的飞机有准时升降。The airline did depart and landing punctually.

这条航线一周能运送多少乘客?How many passengers do this airline fly weekly?