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预知是在预定之前。Foreknowledge is prior to predestination.

幸亏我有先见之明。带雨伞。Luckily I have the foreknowledge. brought the umbrella.

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关于自由意志和先知的问题把我们套了进去。that the problem of free will and foreknowledge puts us in.

动物预知天灾的奇妙现象,你相信吗?The animal foreknowledge disaster's marvelous phenomenon, you believe?

放松训练和预知都可以用作对抗应激时的干预方式。Relaxation training and foreknowledge could be all used as intervention on fighting against stress.

上帝的预知与人的自由意志,人若不能完全结合,怎麽办?But what if the foreknowledge of God, and the liberty of the will, cannot be fully reconciled by man?

很难说警察有先见之明,预见到了玛利亚姆的计划——其实更可能的是——纯粹是警察无能,错抓了玛利亚姆的父亲。It is impossible to say if the police had foreknowledge of Mariam's plans or – as seems more likely – were merely incompetent.

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但是,持票人明知存在抗辩事由而取得票据的除外。However the exception is in cases where the bearer acquired the instrument with the foreknowledge that such opposition existed.

他既按着神的定旨先见,被交与人,你们就藉着无法之人的手,把他钉在十字架上杀了。Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain

放松训练和预知对于心算和恐怖影片两种不同应激源起作用并未表现出显著差异。The effect of relaxation training and foreknowledge on the two different stress sources of mental arithmetic and terrorist videos had not significant difference.

如果转让的原因是不够的,那麽一个伟大的困难是拆除,但仍有待解决的问题,上帝的预知人的自由的行为。If the reasons assigned are insufficient , then one great difficulty is removed, but there remains to be solved the problem of God's foreknowledge of man's free acts.

如果你不事先知道这里做的是什么,就跟我一起参加测试的话,你可能会以为这只是一些朋友闲暇时打打游戏。If you had followed me into the test with little foreknowledge of what was going on, you might have been tempted to think this was just some friends having a good time playing a game.

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上帝可能使以利沙预知哈薛有意刺杀亚兰王,所以以利沙回答说便哈达所得的病本身不足以致他于死,但他至终还是会死。It may have been through divine foreknowledge that Elisha knew Hazael had intended to kill the king, so his response was that the sickness itself was not fatal but that he would die anyway.

因此,即使没有严重的皮肤问题,也要天天密切注重微小的变化,要有见一叶落而知天下秋的先见之明。Accordingly, although do not have serious skin problem, also want to pay close attention to change tinily everyday, want Youjianyi to the leaf falls and know the foreknowledge of the world autumn.

卷三中的结论是,上帝享有先知,但是他对,实际意义上的预决或强迫着人类行为的,所谓神圣的做法并不感兴趣。The conclusion reached in Book Three is that God has foreknowledge but he isn't interested in actual predetermination or some type of divine action that literally compels the behavior of human creatures.

整体来说很清楚地是想让我们相信,上帝具有先知的能力,并且还想让我们相信人生来有自由的意志,但是这些比喻看起来只是为我们揭露,并质疑了诗歌本身的学理上的总结。Paradise Lost as a whole clearly wants us to believe that God has foreknowledge and it also clearly wants us to believe that we have free will, but the similes seem just as often to open up and to question the poem's doctrinal conclusions.