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一些装饰的细节。Some decor elements.

小的体积元。Little volume elements.

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七次操作,对吗?总共有8个元素。I've got eight elements.

这些是惰性元素。These are inactive elements.

所有电器元件均采用知名品牌。All elements is well know brand.

使用方框来表示元素。Use boxes to represent elements.

水是由两种元素组成的。Water is formed of two elements.

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外部组件无有源元件。No active elements in outside unit.

最小的五个元素到前面了。Smallest five elements at the front.

所有非空元素必须是关闭的。All non-empty elements must be closed.

那么我们来看这一系列的反应。Let's decompose these to the elements.

模板化表单元素的循环。Repetition of templated form elements.

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它会检查是否比二大么?Are there more than two elements there?

范围元素的财务和时间线Scope elements financials and timelines

SIVA模型的四个要素是The four elements of the SIVA model are

下面是关键的与工具相关的元素These are the key tool-related elements

非空元素必须有关闭标签。Non-empty elements must have an end tag.

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非空菂标记必须有弌个关闭符。Non-empty elements must have an end tag.

去除不需要的导航元素Suppressing unneeded navigation elements

访问元素是区分大小写的。Accessing the elements is case-sensitive.