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唯一的隐患是他脆弱的小手指。The only potential hiccup is his wonky pinkie.

他已经学会用小手指敲击下行键。He has learned to hit PageDown with his pinkie.

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我的小手指骨折了该吃什么好呢?My pinkie fracture it what should eat is good to what should eat?

里奇表示,至今为止,这块小指骨是唯一已知的杰尼索娃人化石。Reich says for now, this pinkie bone is the only known Denisovan fossil.

两人把小手指勾在一起一般表示做出一项承诺。To make a promise, two people generally hook their pinkie fingers together.

珍奇,碧琪的苹果园就要关门了,我们得让苹果嘉儿去帮忙!Rarity, Pinkie Pie is about to lose the apple farm. We need Applejack's help!

我发誓。凯西幽默的对他说,用自己的小拇指绕住麦克的小拇指。Pinkie swear, Kathy said to humor him, entwining her little finger with Michael's.

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咱们拉钩发誓,”凯西一边这样说着逗他,一边用她的小拇指去勾迈克尔的。Pinkie swear, " Kathy said to humor him, entwining her little finger with Michael's.

第一和最明显的故事就是在即将到来的赛季的科比的小手指。The first and most obvious storyline for this upcoming season will be Kobe's pinkie.

“世界上有很多像我这种情况的,”迈克尔回答说,“我想让你拉小拇指发誓。”"There are a lot of other me's out there, " Michael answered. "I want you to pinkie swear."

我的拇指可以卷包在其他手指上,然后用我的小指顶住棍子的底部捉紧它。I can wrap that thumb over my other fingers and then secure the grip at the bottom with my pinkie.

我一边说着,一边埋头看着手里柠檬水瓶子,试验着要转多少圈才能用我的小指把瓶盖打开。I looked at the lemonade bottle as I spoke, tracing the circle of the opening with my pinkie finger.

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传说,只要月老在两个人的小指绑上了红线,这对恋人就注定会结为夫妻。Legend, just joking in both pinkie attached to a red line, the couple are doomed became husband and wife.

接着,还有,科比在上几周带着他那本应该做手术的韧带撕裂的右小指坚持进行比赛。Then, too, Bryant has played the last few weeks with a torn ligament in his right pinkie that needs surgery.

科比能带伤上阵是因为受伤部位仅仅是在手上,和腿部受伤相比还是轻得多。Kobe can play through his pinkie injury because it simply is a hand injury. Leg injuries are much more critical.

科比计划,打完这个赛季,而不做手术,因为假如手术,他的右小指恢复将会花去很长的时间。Bryant plans to play a full season without having surgery on his right pinkie because recovery would take too long.

上星期手指脱臼的科比,在今天与森林狼的比赛中上场35分钟得到29分,带领湖人以117-92获得胜利。Bryant, who dislocated his right pinkie last week, scored 29 points in 35 minutes in Wednesday's 117-92 win at Minnesota.

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扶轮社从事许多筹款活动以达到该目标,包括紫色小指头计划与小儿麻痹捐便士硬币。Clubs pursued a variety of fundraising activities to meet this goal, including the Purple Pinkie project and Pennies for Polio.

“好吧,麦克,我会的。我将来会成为一名护士。我发誓。”凯西幽默的对他说,用自己的小拇指绕住麦克的小拇指。"Sure, Mike, sure. I'm going to be a nurse. Pinkie swear, " Kathy said to humor him, entwining her little finger with Michael's.

在如斯多戏剧性事件之后,咱们讥讽和胆怯地看到一个小指可能暂时打乱湖人王国下半赛季的光辉幻想。After so much drama, it's ironic and scary that a pinkie finger could potentially disrupt Laker-nation's dream of post-season glory.