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保罗泰勒是一位编舞家。Paul Taylor is a choreographer.

他是这部片子的武术指导。He is the martial arts choreographer.

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武术指导是一个人叫“朱元龙”。The martial arts choreographer is a person called Zhu Yuanlong.

这两个组件共同构成了业务流程编排。Both components together make up the Business Process Choreographer.

学习一些拉丁舞弓步在这个自由影片编舞。Learn some Latin dance lunges from a choreographer in this free video.

我的舞蹈编导总是不断雕琢我,一心将我塑造成完美的舞蹈家。My choreographer keeps chiseling away at me, hoping to shape me into perfection.

6月25日,这位导演兼编舞家说,他接到一个电话说“我们失去了他。”On June 25, the director and choreographer said he got a call saying "We lost him."

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流程编排器中的业务流程由多个所谓的“活动”互相连接。A business process in Process Choreographer interconnects several so called "activities".

了解一些爵士舞编舞家从一本免费的视频技术和节奏的舞蹈。Learn a few jazz dancing techniques and rhythms from a choreographer in this free dance video.

学习1-2步嘻哈在这个自由健美操舞蹈视频从编舞移动。Learn the 1-2 step hip hop dance move in this free aerobic dancing video from a choreographer.

教孩子髋关节在这个自由跳舞的视频跳舞蹈,与国内著名编舞家。Teach kids to hip hop dance in this free dancing video with a nationally famous choreographer.

舞蹈课上做从编舞指导步行它出在这个自由舞蹈视频。Do the walk-it-out dance with guidance from a choreographer in this free video on dance lessons.

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学习回来跳健美操在此免费视频从编舞嘻哈舞步。Learn the hop it back hip hop dance move in this free aerobic dancing video from a choreographer.

学习一莎莎舞步用于从拉丁爵士舞编舞在这个自由舞蹈录像。Learn a salsa dance step used in Latin jazz dancing from a choreographer in this free dance video.

如果您想要使用编排技术来实现业务流程,那么这种模式是最合适的。This mode is best if you intend to implement the business process using the Choreographer technology.

舞蹈指导派伊回忆道,杰克逊专心于尽可能地丰富演唱会的内容。Choreographer Mr. Payne recalls how Mr. Jackson was bent on packing as much into the show as possible.

找这样的空气走在影片剪辑专业街舞编舞移动技巧。Get tips for doing the air walk move in this video clip from professional hip hop dance choreographer.

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教导孩子们在这个自由波和跳舞的视频嘻哈舞蹈,与国内著名编舞家。Teach kids to wave and hip hop dance in this free dancing video with a nationally famous choreographer.

米勒皮生于法国波尔多,是纽约市芭蕾舞团的主要舞蹈演员与编舞。Millepied, born in Bordeaux, France, is a principal dancer and choreographer at the New York City Ballet.

了解有关髋从编舞技巧跳跳舞在这个自由的立场更加舞蹈课视频。Learn more about stance for hip hop dancing with tips from a choreographer in this free dance lesson video.