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追忆往事的幻想。Of visionary hours.

馒头赫格德是一个有远见的。Manju Hegde is a visionary.

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乔布斯是一个有远见的人.350美元的股价将令投资者承压.Clearly Steve is a visionary.

世界失去了一位卓有远见的人。The world has lost a visionary.

幻觉的痉挛在胸口振颤。Visionary tics shivering in the chest.

我们都是等同于瞎子一样的梦想者。We are all as equally blind as visionary.

具有远见卓识、善于博取公众的老板?A visionary boss with a flair for publicity?

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离开了它卓有远见的领袖这个公司还能繁荣吗?Can it prosper without its visionary leader?

若果真如此,那蒂蒂宁真可以说是位有远见的人。Tiitinen can rightly claim to be a visionary.

这般神秘和梦幻般可爱的地方。A place of such mystic and visionary loveliness.

通过特鲁多,一个有远见的公司,开发的产品。By Trudeau, a company that develops visionary products.

这种星运带来的“远见”可以带来你需要的宁静,。This "visionary" energy can bring you the peace you need.

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微软需要一名具有启发性或策略性的领导人。Microsoft needs an inspiring visionary or a tactical general.

国家有远见的领导人项目是由卡米尔?考斯比创办的。Camille cosby started the national visionary leadership project.

除了哀悼,中国能拥有属于自己的乔布斯吗?China Mourns Steve Jobs But Can It Produce Its Own Tech Visionary?

真正刺激的是他不仅是个科学家,他还是个幻想家。The real turn-on is that he is a visionary as well as a scientist.

他曾经是那个创办了苹果和皮克斯的有远见的乔布斯。He has been Jobs the visionary founder, notably at Apple and Pixar.

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只有高瞻远瞩感觉敏锐的人才能成功。Only creative leaders who are visionary and empathetic will succeed.

条例草案是一项有远见的人及工务局很难实现他的远见。Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision.

我发现他有非凡的远见卓识,并且是一个受拥戴的领导者。I found him to be a big-picture visionary and a very supportive leader.