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让股东监督?Let shareholders supervise?

但你怎样监督呢?But how do you supervise this?

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要监督你孩子的用具。Supervise your child's use of tools.

第五章,监察院选举制度。Chapter V, the Supervise electoral system.

她想自己管理那间化妆品店。She wants to supervise the cosmetics shop.

他被安排去监督火葬。He was ordered to supervise the cremations.

你的工作是管理生产组。Your job is to supervise the production team.

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也许我可以监管营妓。Perhaps I could supervise your camp followers.

管理月度税务调整和入账。To supervise monthly tax adjustment and booking.

监督管理印刷业。To supervise the management of printing industry.

监督、指导销售代表,使他们把工作做得更好。Supervise sales reps. to help them do better jobs.

再次,道德是个体立身行事的依归。Lastly, ethics is the stander to supervise oneself.

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作为主人的你一定要在有小孩的地方监督狗狗以防万一。You have to supervise any dog arround small children.

孩子上厕所的时候要留个心眼Supervise children every time they visit the bathroom.

监督控制所有的酒店活动。To supervise and control the activities of the outlet.

推行政务公开,方便群众办事和监督。Implementation of open, facilitate the masses and supervise.

可以监督其他屠夫,或切肉工或鱼贩。May supervise other butchers, or meat cutters or fishmongers.

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监督和促进六个西格玛的进程以达到目标。To supervise and promote six sigma program and meet the goals.

组织实施消防工作,依法进行消防监督。to organize, implement and supervise the fire protection work.

很多首次成为中层管理者的经理人并不一定管理着一大群人。Most first-time managers do not supervise alarge group of people.