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但我不喜欢三明治或冰淇淋-他们太凉了!But I don't like sandwiches or ice ceram — they're too cold!

目的比较瓷化树脂与银汞合金治疗恒磨牙龋损的临床疗效。Objective To compare the clinic effects between Tetric Ceram and amalgam in treating molar caries.

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采用熔模、陶瓷型铸造工艺来制造小型水轮机叶片和水斗是一种最佳的选择。Investment cast and ceram cast are best technology for the fabrication blade and bucket of small turbine.

介绍了聚氨酯弹性体用作模具内衬的制作工艺,对模具及陶瓷质量影响因素加以讨论。The manufacture of PU elastomer liner mould has been introduced. The influence on quality of mould and ceram is also discussed.

自2005年以来,当这两位设计师开始在陶瓷艺术领域合作后,他们产生了相当数量的作品。The two designers have produced a considerable number of collections since 2005, when they began their collaboration with Art Ceram.

印度尼西亚东部的一个岛屿,位于新几内亚以西摩鹿加群岛。与太平洋西部的一部分希兰海搭界。An island of eastern Indonesia in the Moluccas west of New Guinea. It borders on the Ceram Sea, a section of the western Pacific Ocean.

陶器是人类对水、火、土首次综合利用而成的产品,是史前先民卓越创造力的体现。Ceram is the first artifact integrated with three elements water, fire and earth, thus a live symbol for the excellent creativity of ancients.

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金属粉末注射成形技术是一种将粉末冶金工艺与塑料成形工艺相结合的新型制造技术。The injection molding process for metal or ceram powder is a new style manufacture technology which combines plastic molding process with powder metallurgy process and powder pottery molding.

本文着重介绍了氮化硅陶瓷的制备工艺、提高氮化硅陶瓷高温性能的方法以及改善其断裂韧性的途径,并展望了氮化硅陶瓷的研究前景。The methods of improving the high-temperature-properties and fracture toughness of silicon nitride ceram ics, as well as its research and development prospect are also discussed in this paper.

结果表明,以等体积掺混废砖块和废陶获得的混合填料构建的人工湿地系统,在处理含高浓度和低浓度有机污染物的河水时均表现出良好的除污效果。The results show that pollutants removal performance of the system constructed by the mixed packing medium with equal volume proportion of bricks and ceram waste is the best of the four systems.