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难道你没看到学校那些龌龊的家伙?Have you seen the unwashed miscreants that go to that school ?

儿童和妇女必须避免与未洗或赤身应用网站联系。Children and women must avoid contact with unwashed or unclothed application sites.

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有一次鸭子看到一条船于是他坚持那属于不洁的Urho。Once Duck had caught a glimpse of a hull that he insisted belonged to Urho the Unwashed.

它通常在人们之间通过未洗的手和污染的表面传播。It spreads from person to person, usually through unwashed hands or contaminated surfaces.

是的,她对医院,对那些恶臭味,对虱子,对那种痛苦的模样,对那些肮脏的身体,都厌恶极了。Yes, she was sick of the hospital, the foul smells, the lice, the aching, unwashed bodies.

想想这里的场面吧,喧嚣的重金属音乐、低劣的地下室设备、脏兮兮高仰着头的野蛮孩子们。Think pounding music, grungy basement setting, and unwashed gothy children throwing them back.

在天平的一端是无知的大众,他们连这份工作最基本的技能都没有。At one end of the scale, there are the unwashed masses, lacking even the most basic skills for this job.

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盒子没有打包装,稍有些脏。好像是被孩子未洗过的小手摸过了好多遍。The box, unpacked, was a bit dirty, as if it was touched by the unwashed hands of a child for many times.

当春天过去夏天来临,沙尘暴就来了天空就像是没洗的毛皮。When spring fades into the summer, clouds of sand move in and the sky turns into the color of unwashed fur.

但是虫子滋生的房间,摆放一周而结块的食物和没有洗过的餐碟会产生更严重的问题。But bug-infested rooms and a month's worth of food-encrusted, unwashed dishes indicate more serious problems.

陈文海的头发常年不洗,其头发的确切长度不得而知,但据估计有6.8米。The exact length of Tran Van Hay's unwashed hair was unclear but some estimates put it as long as 6.8 metres.

受染者的粪便可污染食物或水,因此常经由受染者未洗手即处理食品而传播。Dysentery is spread in food or water contaminated by feces, often by infected individuals with unwashed hands.

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如果你拥有个人时间的梦想持续不断地消逝在待洗碗碟的汪洋大海中,试试这六个成功策略。If your dreams of personal time keep dissolving in a sea of unwashed dishes, try these six success strategies.

或者假设你的坏习惯是不洗碗,回报很可能就是你有了更多的时间上网。Or you have a bad habit of leaving the dishes unwashed? The payoff could be that you get to spend more time on the Internet!

事实上,经过短短三个小时后,穿短袖医生身上的细菌已经相当于穿未洗外套的医生身上的一半。In fact, after just three hours the short-sleeved docs were already hosting half of the bacteria as the docs wearing unwashed coats.

只需短短数周,你就可以尽数拥有这些新奇的称号并用获得的新表情和新动作展现给你的朋友们,绝对有意想不到的惊喜!In a few short weeks you should have a whole host of new titles to impress your friends with and new emotes to amaze the unwashed masses!

我的朋友很爽快地开始改用天然肥皂洗手了,但对饮用没有过滤的水和不洗手仍心存疑虑。My friends are open to switching their hand soap to Burt's Bees All Natural, but balk at the idea of unfiltered water and unwashed hands.

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他们让50名医生穿刚洗过的短袖衬衫工作一天,另外50名医生穿未洗过的长袖白大褂。They had 50 doctors start a workday wearing a freshly washed short-sleeve shirt and another 50 in their unwashed long-sleeved white coats.

于是,他们找到50名医生,他们每天穿着刚刚清洗过的短袖服工作,同时找来另外50名医生,则穿着没有清洗的长袖白大褂。They had 50 doctors start a workday wearing a freshly washed short-sleeve shirt and another 50 in their unwashed long-sleeved white coats.

你可能本来没有想到你会打算带某人回家,因此那些脏袜子和没洗过的单子会让她觉得像是来到了战场。You might not have expected to take anyone home, so your dirty gym socks and unwashed sheets can make your place seem like a war zone to her.