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我内心气愤的火焰将把你熔为灰烬。The flame of my rage will incinerate you.

他们要把你和它烧成灰。They were ready to incinerate it and you.

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它能够烧毁一座大型城市的中心地带。That would incinerate the heart of a major city.

也许是这样,但是你不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧成灰。Maybe so, but you can't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass.

在适当的焚烧装置中焚烧,考虑当地管理法规。Incinerate in suitable incineration plant, observing local authority regulations.

在电容器壳体上开孔或将电容器压碎后焚烧。Incinerate them after crushing capacitors or making a hole on the capacitor body.

在我们城里把垃圾予以焚化,还是倒进废弃的采石坑,哪一种方法好?Which is better to incinerate the rubbish from our towns or to tip it into disused quarries?

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如果你的飞船是固体或液体燃料驱动,它随时可能燃起大火,把你烧成灰烬。If your craft is powered by solid or liquid fuel, chances are it will ignite and incinerate you.

尽管迷你高尔夫不会燃烧脂肪,但会消耗比躺在吊床上更多的热量。Although miniature golf won't incinerate fat, it will burn more calories than lying in a hammock.

当你说一个对孔子不好的词你将会陷入一个将你置身于火海的“不良信息战”。Then, you said one bad word about Confucius and you risked a "flame war" that would incinerate you.

开发组怎么设计毁灭天赋树的,烧尽对暗影箭的地位有很大的冲击?How do the devs feel the new Destruction tree and the addition of Incinerate will affect Shadowbolt?

它也可以发射的浸泡过树脂的易燃物将敌人烧成灰烬,但是这种攻击方式精度不高。They also shoot inaccurate flaming balls wrapped in pitch-soaked rags, that can incinerate enemy troops!

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如果他受到威胁,他会用他真正的形态,使用谁也无法防御的暗影,火焰呼气以焚化他的敌人。If seriously threatened, he takes on his true form, using his shadow flame breath to incinerate anyone who is not properly protected.

天文家们将意识到,这种不可避免的星体合并现象将烧毁他们的行星表面,很可能蒸发掉海洋,去除大气层。Astronomers would realize that the inevitable merger would incinerate the surface of their planet, perhaps boil away its oceans, and strip away the atmosphere.

法师利用弥漫宇宙的真正力量,研究能改变时空的神秘法式,并丢出把大量敌人烧成灰烬的火焰球。Wizards tap the true power that permeates the cosmos, research esoteric rituals that can alter time and space, and hurl balls of fire that incinerate massed foes.

通过对某染料厂还原蓝生产废水的研究,提出了利用残余硫酸制取硫酸亚铁水处理剂,滤渣在一般锅炉内焚烧的综合利用和治理工艺。In order to treat the wastewater from vat blue production, we obtain ferrous sulphate as water treatment chemical and incinerate residue in general coal-fired boiler.

小孩子生气时会想要偷别人心爱的东西,把它弄坏,比如把妈妈的珠宝手饰扔进马桶里冲了,把兄弟姐妹特别的玩意儿给烧了。An angry child might steal someone else’s treasured possession and destroy it — flush a piece of Mom’s jewelry down the toilet, or incinerate a sibling’s special project.

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在本图中,缉毒官员在焚烧一大堆缴获的海洛因、可卡因和大麻,这些毒品正从哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉运往美国。In this photo, drug officials in Santo Domingo incinerate a giant pile of heroin, cocaine and marijuana that was seized on its way to the U.S. from Colombia and Venezuela.

图中,圣多明各缉毒官员在焚烧一堆从哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉运往美国途中缴获的海洛因、可卡因和大麻。In this photo, drug officials in Santo Domingo incinerate a giant pile of heroin, cocaine and marijuana that was seized on its way to the U. S. from Colombia and Venezuela.

焚烧炉是一种环保设备,它常用来焚烧各类可燃废弃物,消除或减轻废弃物对环境的污染。Incinerator is an equipment of environment protection. It is often used to incinerate many kinds of burnable wastes to exterminate or reduce environment pollution of wastes.