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你必须在八月底前注册。You need to enrol before the end of August.

为新生注册花了三天时间。It took three days to enrol the new students.

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扩大招生导致教育费用急剧上升。Increas enrol caus a sharp rise in educ costs.

我们可以再招收两个班,每班20个学生。We may enrol another two classes of 20 students each.

如何注册蒙纳士大学中国留学班的课?How do I enrol into the Monash Chinese Incountry Program?

国际学生不可以在在线课程中登记。International students must not enrol in on-line courses.

红蜘蛛与警车进金刚学院,并与天火相交。Starscream and Prowl enrol at the Academy. They meet Jetfire.

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皇帝传旨,比跷跷板招驸马。The emperor passes decree, enrol emperor's son-in-law than seesaw.

优先参加欣悦举办之讲座及活动。To enrol seminars and activities organized by CHARIS with priority.

他们有资格登记为选民的人的确认。Confirmation by the person that they are eligible to enrol as an elector.

鱼线上的浮子正上下颤动,在水里一路一招。Piscine on-line bobber is vibrating up and down, enrol all the way in water.

据说,谁抓够了100个小偷,警校就能特招。Allegedly, who is caught enough 100 thief, alarm school can enrol especially.

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赛前需经身体健康检查,合格者方可报名参加比赛。Required before the physical examination, be eligible to enrol in the competition.

而且,董事长也将由武汉招商局官员担任。And, president also will enrol trade bureau official to hold the position of by Wuhan.

在他们学习结束的时候,他们只要参加最后的考试就能进入大学。At the end of their studies, they take a final examination and can enrol in universities.

当我走进萨克福大学,要求报读时,接待员用轻蔑的眼神看着我。The receptionist looked at me with disdain when I walked into Suffolk College asking to enrol.

她将暂缓演艺事业,下个月去美国常春藤盟校布朗大学报到。She'll be putting her career on hold next month to enrol at an Ivy League college -Brown University.

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这位“私立学校的女校长”说,任何年满16岁的人,都可以进入她的“世界上第一所应用性学学院”。The "headmistress" says anyone over the age of 16 can enrol at "the world's first college of applied sexuality".

在这一背景下,清华、北大等高校从去年开始停招在职MBA。Below this one setting, the college such as Tsinghua, Beijing University begins to stop from last year enrol on-the-job MBA.

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