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常雨珍宝满一切愿。It spread gems to fulfil all wishes.

这些插图使正文臻于完整。These illustrations fulfil the text.

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完成生产指标不成问题。We will fulfil the quota without fail.

现在让我们为了履行承诺而战!Now let us fight to fulfil that promise!

现在让我们为履行诺言而战。Now let us fight to fulfil that promise.

抓机制落实责任。Catch a mechanism to fulfil responsibility.

他们认识不到我会实现任何雄心壮志。They do not realize I can fulfil any ambition.

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德士马的目标就是尽最大的努力满足我们客户的需求。At DESMA we strive to fulfil our customers needs.

他确实想好好履行作为教子的职责。He really wants to fulfil his role as godson properly.

仲裁员应当符合下列条件之一Arbitrators must fulfil one of the following conditions

完成上级领导临时指派的任务。Fulfil the other temporary task assigned by the leader.

护士在护理病人时要尽许多责任。A nurse has many duties to fulfil in caring for the sick.

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护士在照顾病人时要尽很多责任。A nurse has to fulfil many duties in caring for the sick.

他确实想好好履行作为教女的职责。He really wants to fulfil his role as goddaughter properly.

有些人对被派到基层耿耿于怀,没能发挥他们的潜力。Some, resenting being sent, failed to fulfil their potential.

据说,祂承诺牠悳事,祂会及时地兑现。It is said that he will fulfil what he promises to her in time.

我急于想早点完成我的工作。He was anxious to fulfil his task in the shortest possible time.

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在许多国家,政府依然没有能力完成这项责任。In many countries, the state is still unable to fulfil that duty.

因此,他超越它未能履行它。That he therefore transgresses it through inability to fulfil it.

中国将一如既往,忠实履行自己的NPT义务。As ever, China will faithfully fulfil its obligations under the NPT.