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我的名字叫露比。My name is Ruby.

红宝石般的明艳色泽。Ruby red in color.

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所以我没法用Ruby。So I couldn't use Ruby.

珍和露比想法相似。Jen and Ruby think alike.

安迪和露比都是无聊的人。Andy and Ruby were tiring.

我给了她一个红宝石垂饰。I gave her a ruby pendant.

珍的想法就像露比一样。Jen thinks just like Ruby.

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朱蒂和露比行为相似。Judy and Ruby behave alike.

直升机和滑雪者在红宝石山。Heli-Ski the Ruby Mountains.

朱蒂的行径就像露比一样。Judy behaves just like Ruby.

红宝石色并伴随着紫色光晕。Ruby red with purple tinges.

你有什么规格的红刚玉?。What size of ruby do you have?

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一定是露比,我来接!That must be Ruby. I'll get it!

当如何介绍林心如呢?How should I introduce Ruby Lin?

红宝石色,紫色酒影。Ruby red with violet undertones.

她在她的项链上重新镶上一块红宝石。She reset a ruby in her necklace.

嗨,我是马先生办共室的鲁比。Hi this is Ruby in Mr. Ma's office.

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红宝石激光器是一个三能级系统。Ruby laser is a three-level system.

硕大红宝石,赫然我头安Doth crown me with a ruby large enow

宝石般的红艳色泽浓郁迷人。This wine is rich ruby red in color.