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这个人身体畸形,他们说,他是村庄的一位白痴。He was malformed and they said he was one of the village idiots.

一开始,他们得的是怪怪的皮疹,恶心,以及产下畸形婴儿。At first they suffered strange rashes, nausea and malformed babies.

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方法104例先天畸形儿采用G显带法进行染色体核型分析。Methods Karyotypes of 104 malformed newborns were analyzed using G-banding.

当处理数据文件时,尽量准确识别出不良的数据。When processing data files, try to identify exactly what the malformed data was.

剖析器让它来处理注释,但是它在坏的自关闭标签那里停止了。The parser makes it past the comment, but it dies at the malformed self-closing tag.

德拉科文站在倒下的阿登之上,他难看的脸上显示出恶魔的污迹。Drakowen stood above the fallen Ardan , an evil smirch across his now malformed face.

一些医学史家曾暗示是肾脏疾病,因为莫扎特的耳朵有些畸形。Some medical historians have implicated kidney disease because of Mozart's malformed ear.

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这使得整个文档的字体非常怪异,并且有许多错误颜色或警告。Suddenly, the entire document looks malformed and is covered with an error color or warning.

负责指定所请求的编译类或接口的二进制数据形式有误。The binary data that purports to specify a requested compiled class or interface is malformed.

与唐综合症类似,这些动物有畸形颜面骨并在记忆方面出现问题。As in Down syndrome, these animals hae malformed facial bones and problems forming new memories.

我明白这帮家伙都是心理极度扭曲的变态狂魔。I knew that those guys were mentally malformed and they would not be humane to their "quarry" at all.

隐性脊柱裂是最轻的一型,可能会涉及一个或多个椎骨的畸形。Spina bifida occulta is the mildest and most common form in which one or more vertebrae are malformed.

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及时尽早手术,选择适当手术入路,显微镜下全切畸形血管并最大限度的降低术后神经系统缺损是可能的。It's possible to completely remove the malformed vessels and reduce the scathe of nervous system after operation.

转色快,色泽鲜艳,畸形果非常少,是目前红果番茄中少见的优良品种。Turn color fast, bright color, malformed fruit is very little, is currently berry-red tomatoes in rare varieties.

先天性心脏病在婴儿出生之前发生在心脏出现畸形的时候,这几乎是所有先天缺陷的共同特点。Congenital heart disease occurs when the heart is malformed before birth, and is the most common of all birth defects.

方法本实验将多次增菌复苏好的变形杆菌鞭毛充分舒展和菌体自由扩散后制做鞭毛标本。Methods The specimen was prepared after several round of culture, recover and fully stretch of the malformed bacteria.

做手术者是一名15岁的苏丹移民的孩子,有一个畸形的右侧上颌中切牙和失踪中央政府。The patient, a 15-year-old immigrant Sudanese boy, had a malformed right lateral maxillary incisor and missing centrals.

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除了格式不对、坏的身份验证程序或未知类型等原因之外而放弃的输入数据包数目。The number of incoming packets silently discarded for a reason other than malformed , bad authenticators, or unknown types.

她对宠儿的爱是深厚的,但却也是畸形的,带有愧疚心理的爱,一种令她无法走出自我的爱,令她堕落的爱。Her love to Beloved was deep , with some guiltiness , but it was also a malformed love , which made her become to degenerate.

目的探索研究T市郊区一水沟和CH市一贮水池引起青蛙畸形的环境内分泌干扰物。Objective To study endocrine disruptor chemicals causing malformed frogs in an irrigation canal in T city and a pool in CH city.