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有一天人类能够征服其他行星。Humans may one day colonize other planets.

公元700年左右阿拉伯人开始把东非变为殖民地。Around 700 A. D. Arabs began to colonize East Africa.

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歌利亚为最早开拓西欧的人类。Goliaths were the first humans to colonize Western Europe.

它不会传染或寄居于死的或干的植体组织。It will not infect or colonize dead or dried plant tissue.

首先,将自己的船升到第15级,然后拓殖行星。First, upgrade your hull to level 15, then colonize a planet.

植物可以从大陆移植到新出现的岛上吗?Could plants from the mainland colonize a newly formed island?

船体越大,拓殖一个星球的机会也就越少。The bigger the hull the less turns it takes to colonize a planet.

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最后,底比斯,皮奥夏地区最伟大的城市,也未殖民Finally, Thebes, the greatest city in Boeotia, also does not colonize.

珊瑚礁不断膨胀发展,陆地植物也开始占据荒脊的大陆。Coral reefs expand and land plants begin to colonize the barren continents.

英国人和西班牙人是首先向北美洲开拓殖民地的。The English and the Spanish were among the first to colonize North America.

早期拓殖的细菌会影响个人日后的免疫能力。Bacteria that colonize our body earlier on would affect one's future immunity.

当真菌在因结核损害形成的腔洞内植入时,就可能形成真菌球。Fungus balls may also form when fungi colonize cavitary lesions of tuberculosis.

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在移动到下一个卫星之前要殖民化这个卫星到两千五百万殖民者。Colonize the planets to 25 million colonists before moving on to the next planet.

2026年,一只百名探险家队起程拓殖火星并将其地球化。In the year 2026, a group of 100 explorers sets out to colonize and terraform Mars.

我认为我们的文明还是有很大的机会存活到我们可以殖民太阳系其它行星的.I think we have a good chance of surviving long enough to colonize the solar system.

在一片新开辟的森林疆土中,巴尔沙树永远是其中最高的木本类植物。Wherever there is new terrain, Ochroma is the first tall, woody plant to colonize it.

伊拉克将要反抗他们有害的意图去开拓殖民地和动员影响力。Iraq will rebel against their evil intentions to colonize it and to wield influence in it.

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1606年由英王詹姆斯一世特许成立的英国贸易公司,目的在于开发北美东海岸的殖民地。British trading company chartered by James I in 1606 to colonize the eastern American coast.

外星种族来地球殖民同样是个令人难以置信的想法。Equally implausible is the notion that an extraterrestrial race would want to colonize Earth.

益生菌含有活力微生物,可以在肠道内存活繁殖。Probiotics contain live micro-organisms, so-called good bacteria that colonize the intestine.