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我现在应该在赛舟会的。I'm supposed to be at a regatta gala.

下个月我们将参加一场划船比赛。We'll take part in a regatta next month.

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哪种帆船在晚上比赛?。What kind of a regatta gala starts at night?

我已航行三百三十三英里在芝加哥麦基诺帆船赛。I have sailed 333 miles in the Chicago Mackinac Regatta Race.

亨利皇家赛舟会在世界划船比赛中占据着独特的地位。Henley Royal Regatta occupies a unique position in the world of rowing.

我要为家乡奥帆赛的举办尽自己的一份力量。I will dedicate myself to the Olympic Regatta to be held in my hometown.

吸引国内、国际的许多亨德森皇室成员赛船会进入者。Attracts many Henley Royal Regatta entrants both domestic and international.

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馆内收藏了大量的奥运会和奥帆赛文化遗产。The museum collects many Olympic and Olympic Sailing Regatta cultural heritages.

很多时候,我曾经看过的船长波令水出他们的船只在帆船赛。Many times I have watched skippers poring water out of their boats during a regatta.

这个地点将告诉你你需要关于铁匠伦敦赛船会知道的一切。This site will tell you everything you need to know about Hammersmith London Regatta.

要是你打造访当地航海俱乐部,通常能在赛舟日遇到自由的船员。If you call local sailing clubs, you can usually arrange free crewing on regatta days.

爱德华在马萨诸塞州马莎葡萄园岛参加赛舟会。Kennedy had been competing in a regatta off Martha's Vineyard, one of a cluster of Massachusetts islands.

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羡花请志明把国际帆船比赛的邀请吉交给前男友唐日华,但志明一口拒绝。Admire flowers please chi Ming invited the international regatta to former boyfriend tang set, but he refused.

世界上划艇的主人帆船赛吸引了成千上万的竞争对手,所有年龄和水平的来自世界各地的。The World Rowing Masters Regatta attracts thousands of competitors of all ages and levels from around the world.

举办奥帆赛将会对青岛产生深远影响,最终使人民受益,使城市受益。The holding of Olympic Sailing Regatta will bring about a profound influence on Qingdao to benefit for the people and the city.

盛开的大波斯菊,钟表展,日本健美,父亲达米安,南瓜巨星帆船赛和更多的新闻专题照片。Oct. 12, 2009 Cosmos in bloom, clock exhibit, Japan bodybuilding, Father Damien, Pumpkinfest Regatta and more feature and news photos.

奥帆赛的举行和人文奥运的理念对青岛人文环境的改善具有重大的影响。The holding of Olympic sailing regatta and the idea of humanistic Olympics have great impact to improve the human environment in Qingdao.

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青岛奥帆委是在北京奥组委和青岛市政府的双重领导之下负责2008北京奥运会的帆船比赛的赛事运行机构。Under the leadership of BOCOG and Qingdao Government, Qingdao Sailing Committee is in charge of the operation of Olympic Sailing Regatta.

美国俄亥俄州莱克伍德高中物理专业3日举办一年一度的划纸船大赛,共有130多名学生报名参加。More than 130 students took part in the annual Lakewood High School physics class cardboard boat regatta Wednesday in Lakewood, Ohio, the US.

一年一度的环巴拉顿湖国际帆船赛是欧洲历史最悠久、赛程最长的环湖赛,赛程长达145公里。The Blue Ribbon Regatta has been held on Lake Balaton since 1934. The 145-kilometre race is the longest round-the-lake competition in Europe.