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斗牛的历史迄今已有一千多年了。The history of bull fighting stretches back millennia.

本土居民依靠猎捕和采集,在那里生活了数千年。Indigenous peoples have lived for millennia by hunting and gathering.

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它是个过了几千年古陆都没怎麽被改变过的国家。It's an ancient land that hasn't been changed much over the millennia.

环保事业,功在当代,利在千秋。Environmental business pains for the moment and gains for the millennia.

相反的,貂也能自由过上数年,或许千年的太平生活。The mink, by contrast, will remain at large for years, perhaps millennia.

几千年来,人类一直在寻找解决复杂性的有效方法。Human beings have been seeking effective ways to deal with complexity for millennia.

这个把法国银行体系几乎毁于一旦的人将在上千年内难脱干系。The man who nearly took down the French banking system is on the hook for millennia.

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他领导的辛亥革命,推翻了在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度。He led the Revolution of 1911 to remove the millennia old autocratic monarchy in China.

在使用了几千年之后,火器的出现最终使得箭在战争中被遗弃。After millennia of use, the advent of firearms eventually made thearrow obsolete in war.

我们在银幕上观看可怕的死亡已经超过一个世纪了,在舞台上也超过了一千年。We have been watching grisly death on screen for over a century, and for millennia on stage.

几千年以后,又有一件类似的斗篷给了魔法学校学生哈利•波特以隐身的能力。Millennia later, a similar garment bestowed invisibility on Harry Potter, a schoolboy wizard.

上万年来,这些江河塑造并改变着中国千姿百态的锦绣河山。These rivers have formed and carved the glorious and varied Chineselandscapes over millennia.

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数千年来由于地理分隔所引起的地方主义,也随着这一变革而消失殆尽了。A provincialism that geographical isolation had forced on people for millennia was gone forever.

举例来说,人类的本性和人类的性格千年以来没有变化。For instance, one thing that's been unaltered for millennia is human nature and human character.

在千万年前,他惊恐的亲眼目睹死亡之翼将蓝龙一族屠戮至尽。More than ten millennia ago, he watched in horror as Deathwing all but wiped out the blue flight.

在四千万年的历史长河中,它被认为是地球上由人类建造的最高的建筑。It is thought to have been the planet's tallest human-made structure for more than four millennia.

这种方法已经被恶毒地使用了千年,那FRV在积极的背景下怎么了?!The method has been used nefariously for millennia so what is wrong with FRV in a positive context?

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这位童子法老最终将会回到他曾享受超过三千年的平静和安宁里。The boy king will eventually return to the peace and quiet he enjoyed for more than three millennia.

未来几千年,不论人类的发明多么辉煌,和它们相比,不过是璀璨星河中的些微星光。They’re astronomically brilliant in comparison to anything humans are likely to invent for millennia.

数千年来不断膨胀和溃烂的官僚机构阻塞了任何改善政务的企图。The bureaucracy that had grown and festered over millennia choked any attempt at proactive government.