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他现在是个审美家。He is an aesthete now.

他最初是一个唯美主义者。He begins as an aesthete.

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审美及能够发现日常生活中的美。Aesthete can find the beauty in the daily life.

跟我的儿子比起来,任何一位柏林的说唱歌手都算是言语文雅。Every rapper in Berlin is an aesthete when compared to my son.

他是一个矛盾的唯美主义者,同时他更是一个矛盾的道德家。He is a paradoxical aesthete as well as a paradoxical moralist.

本文旨在证明哈代是一个被误解的唯美主义者。This thesis aims to prove that Hardy is a misunderstood aesthete.

这是叶芝在晚年时在书房里,打扮成美学家和花花公子的原因。This is Yeats rather later, still dressed, however, in his study as an aesthete and dandy.

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它是一种有用的方法让你和天然的审美家交流,使你沾染崇高的灵光。It is the powerful vehicle of making communion with the natural aesthete and halo of sublimity.

美的本质和特征,审美活动中的形象思维、审美活动中的艺术活动以及审美与人生。The essence of aesthete is about thinking in images, appreciating art and understanding aesthetical life.

不容否认的事实,即体育审美和医疗保健已经成为非常重要的社会。There is no denying the fact that physical aesthete and healthcare have become very vital in the society.

然而,歌剧教导了宝贵的经验教训以及审美,因为唐璜是最终自私的审美。However, the opera teaches a valuable aesthetic lesson as well, because Don Juan is the ultimate selfish aesthete.

他自居为“社会主义者”,同时也是个唯美主义者,很受了维廉?莫利司一点儿影响。He styled himself a " socialist ", was something of an aesthete and had been considerably influenced by William Morris.

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相反,唯美主义者认为艺术不应具有任何说教的因素,而是追求单纯的美感。On the contrary, aesthete believed that art should not have any didactic element, but rather the pursuit of pure beauty.

他是个充满智慧的唯美主义者,他的音乐比任何其他作曲人的都更能深刻反映人性中的浪漫主义。An intellectual as well as an aesthete , his music, more than any other composer, reflects the deep personal nature of Romanticism.

中世纪美学家托马斯·阿奎那提出的美的三要素说在西方美学史上产生了重大影响。The three factors advanced by Thomas Aquinas, the aesthete of the Middle Ages wields immense influence on the western aesthetic history.

因此,唯美主义者们拒绝接受约翰•罗斯金和马修•阿诺德提出的“艺术是承载道德的实用之物”的观点。Therefore, aesthete refused to accept the view "Art is carrying a moral and practical thing" which was proposed by Johns Ross and Arnold.

听从“趁活着的时候必须尽量多做些事”这种现代要求的人,可能会成为杰出的克尔恺郭尔式审美家。The person who heeds the modern imperative to do as much as possible before she dies risks becoming the Kierkegaardian aesthete par excellence.

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但是纯粹的审美家或现象主义者又可以同样正当地对物理的概念结构采取形式主义的态度。But an attitude of formalism may with equal justice be adopted toward the physical conceptual scheme, in turn, by the pure aesthete or phenomena1ist.

奥斯卡·王尔德是19世纪末叶英国重要的唯美主义作家,他的最大成就是戏剧创作。As the leading aesthete , Oscar Wilde is one of the most prominent English writers at the end of 19th century, but his real success with the larger public is as a dramatist.

一个唯美主义绝不能做些什么纯粹为别人好,但我们都知道,做别人没有个人动机实际上可以难以置信愉快。An aesthete can never do something solely for the good of someone else, but we all know that doing things for others without personal motives can actually be incredibly enjoyable.