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那位青少年逃离了某个一夫多妻的社区。The teen escaped from a polygamist community.

今天,德克萨斯州将对一夫多妻制宗派一名成员进行审判。Trial is set to get underway in Texas today for a member of polygamist sect.

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在他的两个妻子对他提出控告之后,他因一夫多妻而遭逮捕。He was arrested as a polygamist when his two wives filed complaints about him.

德克撒斯的官员正在讨论把一夫多妻的案件交由洲最高法院裁决。Officials in Texas are taking the polygamist sect case to the state's highest court.

随着对西德克萨斯州一夫多妻制邪教组织的调查深入,又一名男子被捕。A second man has been arrested as a search continues at a West Texas polygamist compound.

警方自上周起询问了一夫多妻组织的成员,搜集证据。Since last week, police have interviewed members of the polygamist sect looking for evidence.

美国一夫多妻制邪教组织在农场拘禁未成年女孩,待其进入青春期后强迫她们“灵魂上”嫁给比自己大很多的男人。Teenage girls at a polygamist ranch are spiritually married to much older men as soon as they reach puberty.

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美国得州当局在一夫多妻制邪教农场内发现一份档案,其中显示一名男教徒竟娶20多位妻子。Texas authority has found a document indicating marriages between one man and more than 20 wives who resided at a polygamist compound.

来自多妻教派庄园的400名儿童的家长们获准领回孩子,不过一名德州法官对他们提出了一些苛刻的限制条件。Texas judge has placed some tight restrictions on the parents of 400 children who are being allowed to return to their polygamist compound.

3年前伊斯兰当局曾要求他和与众多妻子离婚,只能留下四位合法妻子,但是他没有遵从,也因此被关入狱。His polygamist ways landed Maasaba in jail just three years ago, when he refused an order from Islamic authorities to divorce all but four of his wives.

自上周起,警方已经询问了一夫多妻组织的成员,希望能从中获得16岁以下女孩被迫与年老男子成婚的证据。Since last week, the police have interviewed members of the polygamist sect looking for evidence that girls younger than 16 were forced into marriages with older men.

据美联社报道,奉行一夫多妻制的南非总统祖马于当地时间6日发表一份声明,就备受指责的私生女事件向南非民众道歉。South Africa's polygamist president Jacob Zuma has apologized to the nation after being criticized for having an extramarital affair that resulted in a daughter, AP reported.