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桌子铺满了书。The table is strewn with books.

抑或是黑暗污秽凌乱不堪的房间呢?Or, is it a rumpus room strewn of rummage?

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夜空中布满了闪亮的星星。The black sky was strewn with twinkle stars.

地上铺满了棱角锋利的石子。The ground was strewn with sharp-edged pebbles.

四周都是残肢断体。There were body parts strewn all over the place.

起居室里到处都是书和衣服。The front room was strewn with books and clothes.

一捆捆衣服丢得满地都是。Bundles of clothes were strewn all over the floor.

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我跌跌撞撞地趟过泥地来到一个堆满麦秆的场院。I stumbled through mud to a yard strewn with straw.

人生,在我看来,是一条铺满鲜花的路。Life for us was a path strewn with beautiful flowers.

树木,垃圾和板条到处都是。There are trees and wood and rubble strewn everywhere.

事后他总抱怨满床散落的头发。He complained about the loose hair strewn over the sheets.

关于智能手机的谎言散落在电脑和3G加密狗。Smart phones lie strewn about among computers and 3G dongles.

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寝具散在地板上,脏兮兮的茶具塞在角落里。Bedding was strewn on the floor and dirty teacups stacked in a corner.

全画构图疏密有致,错落自然。Whole picture composition strewn at random have send, density is natural.

灰色的沙漠变成黄色,闪闪烁烁,仿佛里边撒满了钻石。The grey sand turned yellow and twinkled as if it was strewn with diamonds.

苏丹被撒播毁灭的努比亚人的国王,他一度统治全部的埃及。Sudan is strewn with the ruins of Nubian kings, who once ruled all of Egypt.

光滑的石头,可能含有水冰,散布于各处。Smooth stones, possibly containing water-ice, are strewn about the landscape.

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许多动物已经脱水死去,尸体遍布荒野。Many animals had died of dehydration, and carcasses were strewn on the ground.

通往乐观的道路上布满了胆怯和自甘堕落的车辆。The road to positivity is strewn with the abandoned vehicles of the faint-hearted.

地上尸横遍野,很多都被肢解,有些甚至被吞噬大半。There were bodies strewn everywhere, many dismembered and some even half consumed.